Bella's revenge

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"Son of a bitch." JJ mumbled as he tried to push the door open to our pourch.

When we finally got out we stood next to where our dad was working on a motor. He looked at us for maybe a second before returning to what he was doing.

"We've been staying at John B's." JJ mentioned although I don't think our dad really cares.

As long as we're not his problom he doesn't care what the hell we do.

"I didn't ask you where you were stayin'." Dad replied, yeah, that's dad for you, "I don't care. I knew you'd get hungry."

"That's not why we came back, dad." I explained.

"I got the money." JJ explained.

"Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it." Dad said not even bothering to look up at us.

But we both pulled the money out of our pockets, laying it on the table in front of dad. And he looked shocked, he was wearing a smile. Was he...proud?

"25k." I smiled as I tapped one of the stacks of money.

"I don't know how you two got this. I--I don't even wanna know. But you two did it." Dad said pointing at us and I couldn't help but be happy after seeing JJ's smile, "I'll grant you that. You two did it. There's beer in the cooler."

Are we finally gonna get to drink with dad? This has never happened before. So, we didn't even waste a second to grab one.

"I think that sale's still on at Guffy's of Makos." Dad said as he walked towards us, "They're pratically givin' 'em away."

Both me and JJ looked at each other knowing that dad wasn't using the money for restitution. I don't even think he cared about that.

"Dad that's for the restitution." JJ mentioned.

"Nice..." Dad mumbled while looking at something,"We're gonna tap that..."

"Dad." I tried catching his attention.

"put a little more in..." Dad continued.

"Dad." JJ and I tried again, "Can you please just do the right thing for once, okay?"

We walked towards him putting all our stuff down on the table by the door.

"You know how much you cost me, you little shit? This nut? It ain't going to the cops. No. I'm gonna take it south. I'm gonna triple it--" Dad explained but neither of us were having it.

"Dad!" We shouted to grab his attention.

"You got somethin' to say? After everything you done?" Dad shouted making me jump, "You wanna get into it? I didn't think so."

JJ ran towards the money. Dad ran towards him but I got in between the two. But Dad didn't even hesitate to throw me against the door so he could get to JJ.

He pushed JJ against the wall, punching him across the face. I gasped as I tried to get to dad in time. To stop him from doing anything else but I couldn't.

Dad punched JJ to the ground again and that's when I finally had enough. Dad was no longer going to hurt me, or JJ. I was done with it.

As dad was choking JJ against the ground, I tackled him down the stairs. The two of us rolled through the yard until we landed in the grass. Dad on top of me as I tried to catch my breath. JJ doing the same on the pourch.

Dad continued to punch me across the face and everywhere he could reach. And I could taste the bitterness of blood in my mouth. But I finally caught his fists rolling us over. I punched him this time, until he could barely breath, but even then I continued to punch him over and over and over again.

"You gave me and JJ nothing but a shitty life! It's time you fucking pay the price!" I shouted punching him again, "You tried to sign me over to another family!" I punched him again, "When I refused you tried the arranged marriage to get money." I punched him again, "Well let me tell you something, I'm finally done with all your shit." I grabbed the gun from my back pocket putting it up to his forehead, "You don't scare me anymore." I smiled as I saw the fear in his eyes, "You're scared of me now."

I spat the blood into the grass as JJ picked me up. Pulling the gun out of my hand. We walked up the pourch, with me over his shoulder as we grabbed the money and left.

"This isn't over you asshole." I shouted as I glared at my father who was coughing up blood of his own.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now