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Prince Anders is very devastated when his brother used his special ability to create a space and time prison. His hateful brother pushed him and the portal sucked him inside and then immediately closed, trapping him in what seemed like eternal darkness! For a moment, it felt like he was floating in the air but he was not sure because he could not see anything... He is very angry that his brother screwed him again! Not only did he steal his beloved wife, but he also imprisoned him to prevent him from getting back what belongs to him! He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands as he cursed his brother inside his mind...

Imperial Brother, I hate you so much!!! I am going to kill you once I get out of this place!!!

He carefully assessed his new situation... He is in a foreign place and possibly a very dangerous place. The fact that he could not see anything made it even worse. He needs to plan and come up with a method to survive this place first before he would devise a method to escape this limbo and return to his beloved wife, Beatrix. He will never allow his brother to steal the only woman he loves. He will be back to get her back! He was still in the middle of careful planning when he saw the familiar light before everything got dark! It was very small at first until it rapidly increased its size enough for him to get out of that place...

No way! Did my Imperial Brother grow some conscience and let me out immediately? Or... did he make some mistake in the execution of the space and time manipulation that it reopened instantly right after he closed it?

He grinned from ear to ear. It seems that luck is on his side! He thought it was more probable that his brother made a miscalculation and the portal reopened again right after his brother left the location. Whatever the reason was, he does not care anymore! What is important is it is open again and he could immediately leave this place to be reunited with his Beatrix... So how can he refuse when the bright light is inviting him to come closer? He eagerly but carefully comes out... He feared that it was another trap! He frowned in displeasure when he saw his brother waiting for him on the other side which could mean... 

I can't believe it! The viper finally grew some conscience and let me out immediately... Why? For old-time's sake? 

He mocked his brother inside his mind and whatever his reason for releasing him, he does not care! He immediately beat him up for giving him the greatest scare of his life! He is not afraid of the dark or even the unknown creatures possibly lurking in pure darkness... Inside the dark limbo, he was very scared and worried that he would never be able to escape that place and never see his beloved Beatrix ever again!

He punched and kicked him as hard as he could and as much as he could! It was very strange that his brother is not fighting back or dodging his attacks but he does not care! He wants to vent his great anger, frustration, fear, worry, disappointment, and all the other pent-up emotions he has starting from the morning he realized that his imperial brother tricked him and stole his bride until this day when he heard the devastating imperial edict declaring that his legal wife is now Princess Madeline! His imperial brother succeeded not only with his dirty plan but also in confusing their imperial father into legally snatching his rightful legal wife!!!

Imperial Brother, I hate you so much! I would smash every part of you to bits!!!

He thought as he continued to hit his brother so hard his face and his clothes were splashed and stained with his brother's blood! He only stopped beating him when his brother was fully covered in blood and no longer recognizable while he, on the other hand, collapsed beside his badly beaten brother due to severe fatigue! 

"That feels so... great!" Prince Anders whispered to the air in an extremely great mood. He was panting heavily as he stared at the gloomy afternoon sky. He started beating his brother in the morning and only finished in the afternoon... He was so tired, he could no longer move!

"Welcome back, Imperial Brother..." Emperor Andrew finally said his first words to his brother after almost six years of not seeing him.

"Hah! You are still alive?" Prince Anders said mockingly. Of course, he knew his brother is still alive after beating him to a pulp. He did not slit his brother's throat because the latter did not make him wait for a long time in that place.

Emperor Andrew ignored his mocking tone and just said what he wanted to say as he also stared at the dark cloudy sky. "Glad to see you safe, Imperial Brother..." He was very worried that his brother did not survive the unknown space and time. After all, it was almost six years when he sent him there. Who knows what danger is lurking in that place?


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