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Prince Anders has been sailing and island hopping for more than two months. He was patiently looking and studying the map of Solaris Empire, putting marks on the islands that he had already thoroughly checked, and was always making sure that he would never miss anything. He had not found her yet. He also did not find any clues of her whereabouts.  He no longer knows what he should do next if the five remaining islands turned out to be empty of her presence just like the previous ones...

It has been three days since his last meal and drop of fresh water. Aside from too much worry, loneliness, and sleeplessness, he also feels very tired, hungry, and thirsty! Several times, he was tempted to drink the seawater but he forced himself not to give in to the temptation because it will only make things worse for him! Well, he is not a hundred percent sure but according to the memoirs of the experienced sailors that he read in the past as well as the words of the oldest imperial physician that taught him and his brother about basic survival skills... They all warned that drinking seawater is as bad as drinking poison! They could not thoroughly explain why but based on their personal experience, they uniformly said that those who drank seawater died earlier than those who endured the thirst in the middle of the sea... So, to be safe, he chose to endure! 

He was very anxious when he finally arrived at the part of the ocean where the last group of islands is situated. He recalled that the largest naval vessel of the Solaris Empire had been guarding these waters two months ago. Following the emperor's command, the man in charge did not allow him and the princess to check the last five islands in this area. He does not want to engage in serious arguments or violent conflicts with them. He simply does not have the energy or the mood to fight now so he must avoid confrontation with them at all costs... 

But what if they spotted him and stopped him again from exploring the five remaining islands? What he should do? Does he need to use his secret abilities to kill them all so no one would dare stop him and later, report what he did to the authorities? Honestly, he would not mind using his abilities to eliminate the threats to his cause but he is now in his weakened state, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally! Does he have enough strength to do it?

He stealthily surveyed and observed the surrounding waters first during nighttime. He felt huge relief when he noticed that the area is abandoned now. It appears that the large naval vessel had already left this part of the ocean and now the last group of islands is available for him to check freely! He feels very excited when he landed on the first among the remaining five islands... 

This island is like a paradise! Its water is blue-green and abundant in fish and other marine animals. The sand is so fine and white, perfect for bathing and relaxing... It is also abundant in several species of trees and plants which is a very good sign! He immediately realized that a person who will be stranded in this place has a very high chance of survival...

Beatrix could survive here... Yes! I know she could survive here!!!

He feels so happy and excited even though he did not see her yet... When they ran away, they faced hardship together so he knew she has the ability now to survive in this place. For some reason, his heart is telling him that he will see her again soon! He instantly forgot about his hunger, thirst, and weariness as he vigorously entered the island's natural biodiversity...

Beatrix, I am here now!!! 

He thought while he was calling her name, hoping that she would hear him and respond to his call but he did not get any response as usual. He could also not feel her presence nearby which is kind of strange because his heart is still telling him that he would see her again soon... He found a small river and drink a lot of water from it before splashing some of the water on his face! He looked at his reflection and wondered if Beatrix would still find him attractive now that his appearance had some unavoidable change... His clothes are cheap and coarse. His skin is tan, rough, and dry because of the sun's heat and sometimes unfavorable weather. His eyes had dark circles underneath and his lips are chapped from dehydration. His hair is longer and unkempt plus he has some stubble now!

I hope she would not be horrified when she sees me like this...

He could fix his appearance a little before he sees her but he thought that time is too precious to waste so he decided to look for her first and if his new appearance bothers her too much, he could fix it later. After he filled his water container to the brim, he left the riverbank and continued to explore the island. He must find her the soonest time possible! 


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