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The man was very drunk and barely awake so she did not take his words to heart. Before anyone could react, she yanked him and then wrapped his arm around her shoulder so she could easily support his whole weight and carry him to his bedroom before he could do something stupid under the influence of alcohol. 

As an observer, the servants and guards had seen her huge importance and influence to the new emperor and young prince so they did not stop her when she took the drunk emperor and escorted him to who knows where. They had a feeling that they would face his great fury and huge punishment if they try to impede her, especially now that they could see his excited grin. 

Of course, they understood her special place inside the two masters' hearts so privately, there was ongoing wager among palace guards and servants if this ethereal beauty would end up with the uncle or the nephew. They are also excited to see the outcome! 

He smiled seductively and let her take him wherever she wanted. Even if she took him to hell, he would gladly follow as long as he could wrap his arm around her, feel the softness of her skin and warmth of her body against him, and smell her natural fragrance forever. 


They were walking slowly. Her proximity made his mind sharper and lose his drunkenness little by little. He wanted time to stop as he silently observed her serene expression as they walk in the hallway. Finally, they entered his bedroom and she unceremoniously dumped the man to his bed. 

"What?" She looked at him seriously and then raised her eyebrow when she saw his amusing reaction. 

"Why are you so rough? Can't you do it gently?" He groaned and complained after he bounced on the bed twice and his heel hit something hard. 

She noticed that his voice went back to normal again. This made her wonder if she was wrong earlier and the man was not drunk after all. 

"Oh, I thought you like it rough! Isn't it how you treat your women? So rough and lacking in gentle manners!" She said vehemently but immediately regretted her words. She did not know why she was suddenly venting her frustrations to him... "Aiden, I am so sorry... I... I... I'm just..."

He already knew something was up earlier because she looked so sad and was very quiet while they were walking in the hallway. He sat on his bed and scooted over. Next, he tapped on the vacant side of the bed to make room for her to sit down and talk but she had a different interpretation of his gesture. 

"Don't even think about it! I could always cut off your dick if you do something ridiculous!" She said and then gave him a dangerous glare. She felt so sad after her conversation with Viktor turned out negatively but she would also not let anyone take advantage of her sadness! 

"What were you thinking? I am just offering the spot next to me so we could talk like usual." He immediately defended himself for fear that she would do as she says if he chose his words poorly. But after she mentioned it, he was also tempted to risk it all and see what she would truly do next if he confessed his feelings and then tried to bridge the gap between them. In the end, he stayed with his original intention and that was to talk about her problem, "What is it? You can tell me. " He said gently and focused his full attention so he would not miss anything.

She looked at his worried expression before she threw all doubts and hesitation by sitting on the vacant spot beside him on the bed. At that time, she suddenly felt so tired! Whether it was physical or something else, she no longer knows... She just wanted to rest and talk to someone who would listen to her. 

She adjusted her position before finally deciding to lie down on the bed as she begins to tell him about her last conversation with Viktor. Soon, he mimicked her position in bed as he heard the details of her story. There was a silent sorrow in his eyes and a wry smile on his lips as he listened to her. Suddenly, he realized that none of them had a chance from the very beginning...

"Aiden... Viktor is so mad at me... Do you think he will forgive me?" She sadly asked him after sharing the whole situation. 

"He was just very disappointed... just like me... " He told her softly, omitting the last part. He suddenly felt so weak after knowing the truth. 

"Aiden... " 

"Hmm? " He waited for her next words but she became very silent so he shifted to her side to ask, "What is it?"

"I feel so weak and so tired... "

"Then close your eyes and sleep... "

She shook her head.  She did not need to sleep or rest. She had an unlimited supply of energy stored inside her but strangely, she wanted to try it for the first time.

"Don't fight it...  Just sleep... Psi, let me guard you this time... " 

She heard him whisper it like a lullaby. Her eyes slowly closed and before she knew it, she shut down for the first time.


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