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After Zander took the imperial examination, Beatrix immediately stopped coming to his courtyard because the review for the examination was finally over... His succeeding days were painted with loneliness and boredom! He would always visit her but the guards and servants would always stop him from entering her courtyard without her prior permission. He could offer valid excuses for a few days but after several days, he could only offer crappy and lame excuses... Luckily, she would still see him for a short period... Now, she is offering a very good deal... It is the perfect excuse to see her and spend time with her every day so how can he refuse when the chance and opportunity that he is dying to obtain is being offered to him? Of course, he will never refuse!

If I could spend more time with her every day... Screw that thing called independence!!!

"Great answer!" She happily declared after she heard his positive answer. Next, she pinched his cheeks and embraced him for a brief moment but to him, it lasts for eternity!

As a result of their cooperation, Zander King's every proposal, blueprint, and plan was always completed and presented ahead of time! His presentations are always the most practical option and the best solution to the needs of the empire and its people, the materials are easily accessible and the costs are lower than the expected budget! Because of that, he would always earn the Emperor's satisfaction and approval while also gaining the respect and admiration of the majority of court officials!

For most people, Zander is an intelligent, talented, and likable person. He seems to know how to please almost everyone. As days passed by smoothly, the Emperor and Empress treated Zander like a son and he seems very close to the two princes... Some officials would often secretly gossip that it was lucky for the two princes that Minister King is not an imperial son or else, the Emperor would appoint the young minister as the crown prince long ago! This gossip among the officials and noblemen gave birth to the secret alias 'Third Prince" because he is like a favored son to Emperor Claudius and Empress Alyna and a dear brother to Prince Andrew and Prince Anders, or so that was what most people thought...

For more than two years, Prince Andrew, Prince Anders, and Minister Zander are usually seen together during lunchtime and break time whenever there is a court meeting. It was already normal for Minister Zander to immediately go home right after the court meeting. He would always say to the two princes that he needs to prepare for the new task that was given to him by the Emperor and his wife his waiting for him...

That seems normal until the two princes notice that Zander becomes thinner, his face so pale with big eye bags underneath his eyes! Sometimes, he attends court meetings very weak and haggard... When they asked him, he told them that he and his wife have a really good time last night! There are times that they saw him with several bruises and some cuts! It seems that his wife is truly sadistic and has a habit of overusing him as her sex toy! The two princes tried to convince him several times to leave the clutches of his haughty, overbearing, and sadistic wife as they saw how their friend suffered but the rumors are probably true that she is a witch that used a powerful lust potion to make her husband willingly worship her and lick her feet! In the end, the twin brothers gave up and finally accepted that their pitiful and weird friend is a certified henpecked husband and will remain a willing victim to his sadistic witch wife forever!

Scratch the weird and humiliating situation, Zander is truly an intelligent official, eloquent speaker, and patient listener coupled with their great suspicion towards the Great General's and Prime Minister's Household so the two princes decided to remain friends with the promising young minister.

Normally, the young minister would go home immediately but there are a few occasions that he would go with them after the court meeting. He talks with them and after drinking three cups of alcohol, he would leave early to go home. This day is another example of the few occasions...

"Imperial Brother, it is truly great that Minister King is not a prince, or else, Imperial Father would declare him as the heir to the throne..." Prince Anders smiled as he gently provided his opinion after Minister Zander left the two of them inside the famous restaurant.

"Who said that he has to be a prince to become a serious threat?" Prince Andrew replied coldly while looking at the retreating image of the young minister's carriage.


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