Author's Note

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Hello dear readers!

Your eyes aren't deceiving you. My friend, SlinkyDogg, and I are finally collabing! It took us awhile to figure out what story to write and we decided on doing something Supernatural related. And I'm sure you guys are gonna say But you guys already did Supernatural on your own!​​​ You're right, we did. I did one for Dean and Slinky did one for Sam.

But this one is mostly based on the Supernatural Animation show. Some of you maybe surprised by there even been a Supernatural animation but it does exist. And it caught both mine and Slinky's eye and we were like you know what? Let's do this!

So this is basically an AU of our Supernatural books and it has my (y/n) and Slinky's (y/n) in this story and yes they will be paired up with the boys.

Now while we are gonna do the episodes from the Anime, we also noticed that it's not very long as there is only 1 season of it, 22 episodes in total. And the Anime did a combination of Seasons 1 & 2 and a few episodes that were original stories. So we decided we are gonna do some episodes that didn't get adapted in the anime from Seasons 1 & 2 while also maybe doing some original stories of our own! And we might even do episodes from the other seasons too, to help flesh out Sam, Dean and our y/n's relationships better.

We really hope you guys are excited about this as much as we are. So hopefully you guys enjoy this collaboration!

Hey everyone, Slinky here! For the original chapters we written, I am actually gonna make drawings for the chapter-image you see at the start of new chapter.

As you can see at the top, I've done one already of both my and RJ's y/n, with their respective Winchester boy. However the y/ns look is up to you the reader. These are just how RJ and I imagine they would look like, so I have something to draw.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy what we've wrote and my little drawings. Byeeee!

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