Chapter 23: Crossroads

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The gang were staying at Bobby’s, trying to figure out what they should do next regarding the Yellow-Eyed Demon. “On a beautiful day like this, you mean to tell me you kids are just killing time in this shack? Man, there’s something wrong with this picture. All signs of the demon that were on the rise for the last year just stop suddenly, huh?” Bobby asked.

“It’s been a month to be exact.” Sam said, as he and the girls look at map that was pinned to a board with notes around it. “Since the day Dad died.” Dean said in a low tone, trying on one of Bobby’s hats and walking outside with it.

“He’s been so depressed lately.” Sam mutters to Bobby as (RJ’s y/n) stares at the door Dean just left through. “Yeah well, when you got too much time on your hands you tend to think too much.” Bobby said, taking a sip of his coffee. 

Outside, Dean was underneath his car working on it, only his legs sticking out when Sam approaches the car. “Hey Dean, the Impala still acting up?” Sam asked. “It makes a funny noise sometimes.” Dean replied. “You want me to help you?” Sam asked. 

“You come under here? Don’t think so.” Dean said. “Yeah or I can hand you things.” Sam suggested. “Look, just quit it.” Dean snapped, then he pushes himself out from under the car looking up at Sam. “Stop hovering over me. It’s annoying.” He grumbled, standing up and walking over to a table covered in tools.

“How come you won’t talk about it?” Sam asked. “About what?” Dean asked. “You know what! Dad died, don’t just keep it in and pretend to be tough. It’s not just anyone, it was our dad who died. I know how you feel, it’s hard.” Sam said, walking up to him and Dean turns to face him.

“You want me to cry? Is that it, Sammy? Come here and let me cry in your arms.” Dean joked. “Oh come on, don’t be an ass. Don’t you see how much his death has affected you?” Sam asked him.

“I’m okay, trust me.” Dean muttered, turning back to the table. “No, you’re not! Dad was healthy and then he suddenly died. The Colt disappeared at the same time. The demon was definitely involved in this, you can’t just mope around!” Sam shouted.

“What do you want me to do then? Do you know where the demon is, Sam?” Dean asked, turning to him again and Sam doesn’t say anything. “Do you know a better way than Dad’s to track them down? You have no leads, do you?” Dean asked, turning away and goes back to the car and crouching down next to it.

“But that doesn’t mean that we have to go on like this? Your car been fixed for a while, you’ve test drive her over and over. Stop pretending to be cool!” Sam said, running over to Dean and slamming his hand on top of the top of the Impala.  

“Look don’t keep it in, alright. Let it out. Take it out on me if you want, I know your pain. Come on, Dean, what are you feeling? You can do it! I know you can! Look, I know it hurts but just let it go.” Sam pleaded. “Just stop bugging me okay?” Dean snapped at him and Sam frowns.

“I don’t like being all mushy and moping around.” Dean said, returning under the car and Sam sighs. “Don’t waste your time worrying about me? Why don’t you go find that demon?” Dean asked. “Fine, alright…sorry for bugging you.” Sam muttered and went back inside, leaving Dean to his Impala.

Sam makes his way in and the girls look over at him. "How did it go?" (Slinky’s y/n) asked him. Sam sighs and shakes his head and she frowns. "Maybe I can talk to him?" (RJ’s y/n) suggests. "I don't know." He said. "He was pretty pissed when I tried talking to him."

"Yeah, but you are his little brother. He might be able to talk to me." (RJ’s y/n) said as she stands up and heads to the door. "Good luck." Sam said as she walks out of the building.

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