Chapter 6: Dead In The Water

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The gang was back in Palo Alto, California. The town Sam used to live in with his deceased girlfriend Jessica, when he went to Stanford. Sam was placing flowers at Jessica’s grave, while the others were hanging back at the entrance giving him some privacy.

Dean and (RJ’s y/n) were leaning against the side of the Impala, facing the graveyard. Dean tried dialing John’s number, but just like always he only got his voicemail.

(RJ’s y/n) turn her head and looked inside the car, where (Slinky’s y/n) was sitting. Her back was towards the window as she was using the seat as a table to work on something. (RJ’s y/n) couldn’t tell what she was doing from where she was standing but she didn’t want be nosy and get a closer look. If (Slinky’s y/n) wanted her to see, she will let her know.

(RJ’s y/n) turns back to the graveyard and begins reminiscing of a case from three years ago. A case that she and (Slinky’s y/n) worked on prior to reuniting with Sam and Dean.


The girls were sitting at a table in a bar, looking at each other with serious game faces on. “Okay, what are the three basics rules again?” (RJ’s y/n) asked. “Maintain eye-contact. Smile. And actually talk them.” (Slinky’s y/n) said.

(RJ’s y/n) smiles and nodded, patting her on the back. “Go get ‘em, tiger.” She said. (Slinky’s y/n), timidly, nodded and stood up, looking at the bar as she fidgets in place. “Don’t make me push you.” (RJ’s y/n) said, deadpanning.

“I’m going, I’m going.” (Slinky’s y/n) mumbled, walking towards the bar at a snail’s pace. (RJ’s y/n) shook her head and pick up her beer to take a sip. (Slinky’s y/n) took a seat at the bar, her leg bobbing as she looks around, really looking like a fish out of water.

It didn’t take long for a young attractive man to approach her. “Hey.” He greeted, taking a seat in the stool next to her. (Slinky’s y/n) jumps slight and smiles, anxiously. “Ayyy.” She said. 

“I’m Tony. What’s your name?” He asked, smiling and (Slinky’s y/n) stares at him, like a deer in headlights. “I used to know this.” She muttered and Tony laughs. “You’re funny. I like that. So listen…” he said, leaning closer.
“I don’t want to embarrass you, but you are just a gorgeous looking woman.” Tony said, with a flirty smile. The color drained from (Slinky’s y/n’s) face as she looks even more freaked out. “Okay.” She mumbled, quietly. “Are you okay? You look kinda sick.” Tony said, backing off.

(Slinky’s y/n) slightly looks at (RJ’s y/n) for help. (RJ’s y/n) lowers her beer from her lips and mouths, ‘talk to him’. (Slinky’s y/n) looks back at the man and in a panic just said the first thing that pop into her head. “Are you lighting? Cause you’re McQueen.” 
The man stares at her bewildered, while (RJ’s y/n) double face palms at the table. “I uh…I got a friend to meet.” The man said, getting up and quickly leaving. (Slinky’s y/n) watches him leave, looking pretty relieved now. 

She looks back at the table and (RJ’s y/n) points at the chair next to her, like a disapproving mother saying, ‘come back here now!’ (Slinky’s y/n) slides off the bar stool and walks back to their table, sitting down.

(RJ’s y/n) takes her beer and down what was left in one big gulp. She then sets the bottle back on the table and turns to (Slinky’s y/n), who sinks down in her chair. “I’ve seen fish have better luck with men than you.” (RJ’s y/n) said.

“I know.” (Slinky’s y/n) muttered, moving to sit normally again. “Even if I could hold a conversation, I don’t think it would work out anyway.” She said. “What do you mean?” (RJ’s y/n) asked.

“None of the guys here are attractive.” (Slinky’s y/n) said and (RJ’s y/n) did a quick look around. “Do we need to get your eyes checked?” (RJ’s y/n) asked, looking at her friend like she was out of her mind.

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