Chapter 31: The Quiet One

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A girl with black haired whined as she reaches out for her friend across the class, before turning to the teacher. "Ms. Smith, why can't we chose our own partners? We'd get so much more done if we could just work with our friends."

Everyone turn their attention onto the two girls, causing (Slinky's y/n) to slump down in her chair, wanting desperately to just sink into the floor and disappear from view. "Because I want everyone to get know their classmates." The teacher replied.

"Get to know? How am I supposed to get to know her?! She doesn't talk! I literally never heard her speak!" Abby said, gesturing to (Slinky's y/n), who looks away self-conscious.

"It's just for one assignment. If you don't want to fail, you better get to work." Ms. Smith said, turning to a stack of papers she needs to grade. "Ugh! This is literally so unfair!" Abby whined, turning in her seat to face (Slinky's y/n).

"Whatever, since we're partners, I'm gonna look up some stuff and you do...whatever, I don't care. Just don't talk to me." Abby said, opening her text book. (Slinky's y/n) sigh and opens her book too to begin researching, and writing stuff down in het notebook.

A few minutes later, (Slinky's y/n) looks up to see Abby was talking to her other friends, that were seated behind her. "I know, this projects the worse! And she's so quiet, she literally doesn't do anything. I bet she doesn't have any friends." Abby said to her friends, who both laugh.

Then one of the girls notices (Slinky's y/n) was watching them. "What? Mind your own business!" The girl said to her and Abby turns back in her seat to see (Slinky's y/n) was no longer working.

"Are you listening in to our conversation? Ugh! No wonder you don't have any friends. Why don't you go back to your book or whatever!" Abby said to her, then she looks back at her friends. "She's so annoying." She sneered, in disgusted.

Abby looks back at (Slinky's y/n) to see she was still watching them. "What?! I'm not talking about you! I don't even like you! You are so sad! Literally so sad! Get life!" She yelled, causing everyone in the class to look over at them.

"What is going on?" Ms. Smith asked, looking up from her graded papers, annoyed by the disturbance. "My partner keeps trying to distract me from my work! I can't get anything done!" Abby said, pointing at (Slinky's y/n), accusingly.

"It's true!" Her friend piped up. "We overheard everything!" Her other friend said and the teacher sigh. "Ms. Singer, what am I gonna do with you?" She asked, believing their lies so easily as if (Slinky's y/n) was some troubling delinquent.

Ms. Smith writes up a note and holds it out. "Go see the principal." She said and (Slinky's y/n) packs her stuff, taking the note, and leaving the class without even trying to defend herself.

Later, (Slinky's y/n) enter the detention room and took a seat in an empty desk. "So..." She turns her head to see a dark haired boy seated next her, wearing a letterman jacket of the school's basketball team. "...back again I see." He said, smiling at her.

Present Day

"Wait, Sam kissed you?!" (RJ's y/n) asked, sitting on her bed with the first aid kit next to her. "Yes!" (Slinky's y/n) exclaimed, blushing heavily. "And what did you do?" (RJ's y/n) asked, very eager to hear more. "I said, thank you." (Slinky's y/n) replied. "Well, that was very polite of you." (RJ's y/n) said, smiling.

"Then I ran away." (Slinky's y/n) said and (RJ's y/n) smiles painfully. "Of course you did." She muttered. (Slinky's y/n) facepalms, slowly dragging her hand down her face. "Ugh! I'm such an idiot! He's gonna think I hate him!" She muffled into her hand.

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