Chapter 12: Moonlight

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Sam glances out his window with half shut eyes, feeling himself falling sleep. He closes his eyes and daydreams about the last time he spoke to Jessica.

“Um Sam aren’t you a little worried? Your Dad’s been gone for days now.” Jessica said. “It’s really not a big deal, Jessica. Look Dad likes to go on these hunting trips and he often holds up in a cabin. He and his buddies must’ve had a couple too many. I’ll go find him and bring him back.” Sam said, carrying some clothes over to put them in his bag and zip it up.

“You’re not forgetting you have that interview for the law school, right?” Jessica asked, worried, and Sam places his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be back in plenty of time. I promise.” He assured her and pecks her on the cheek.

Sam turns away and started walking towards the door. “Sam.” Jessica called out and Sam stops to look back at her. “Yeah?” He asked and Jessica opens her mouth to say something but hesitates. “Um…oh never mind. Sorry.”  She said with a closed-eye smile.

Sam opens his eyes with a sad look and turn to look over at Dean, only to see Jessica there, driving the Impala instead. Sam stares at her in shock. “Sam.” Jessica said, turning to face him, with large burn marks on the left side of her face. 

“JESSICA!” Sam shouted, waking up from his dream to find he had fallen asleep in the Impala. “Sammy? You okay?” Dean asked, looking over at him, but Sam doesn't say anything as he continues to catch his breath. "Sam?" (RJ’s y/n) said, worried, as (Slinky’s y/n) frowns and gives a concerned look to him, both girls sitting in the backseat. “Yeah…sorry. It’s nothing.” Sam muttered, running a hand through his hair.

The gang arrive in San Francisco and check into a motel, they all take residence in the boys' room. “Found something. So it seems like several hookers at Hunters Point have been attack by wild dogs over the last few months.” Sam said, dropping a newspaper onto the bed Dean was sitting on, the girls were sitting on the edge of Sam’s bed.

“Could be nothing more than a pack of stray dogs though, right?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked, picking up the newspaper to skim through it, while (RJ’s y/n) picks up another newspaper. “Maybe, but I did some checking just in case. All these incidents occurred at night the week before the full moon.” Sam said. “So what? We’re talking about werewolves then, seems pretty obvious.” Dean said as (Slinky’s y/n) tosses the newspaper aside. “Yeah or a hellhound.” Sam suggested. “You mean a servant of Satan?” (RJ’s y/n) asked and (Slinky’s y/n) freezes up in fear at this.

“I’m just saying it’s possible.” Sam replied, shrugging. “Well, then a silver bullet to the heart oughta tell us either way.” Dean said, pointing up his gun and aiming it straight.

"Something tells me it’s not that simple. Most recent victim is a lawyer named Mulligan, who worked in the DA office. All the victims before him were hookers from Hunters Point.” (RJ’s y/n) explained as she was reading another newspaper to show the picture of Mulligan. 

“Strange.” Dean muttered. “I think we better start looking into this.” Sam said.

The gang found out where Mulligan's assistant, Madison, lives and made their way over to her apartment building. “Looks like his assistant is the one who discovered the body.” Dean said as they walk down the hallway towards her apartment.

Dean sighs and drops his hand on Sam’s shoulder. “You should do the talking. You’re good with the smart law student type chicks.” He said. (RJ’s y/n) clears her throat at him and Dean soon realized that probably wasn’t the best thing to say because of Sam’s deceased girlfriend.

“Sorry dude, I really didn’t mean it that way.” Dean apologizes. “Eh…don’t worry about it. It’s okay.” Sam said, avoiding his pity gaze. (Slinky’s y/n) frowns then places a hand on his arm and he looks over at her and she gives an encouraging smile. Sam smiles back and pats her comforting hand on his arm then the gang continue onward.

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