Chapter 20: Rising Son

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Dean was sitting on the sofa in Missouri’s house. “Where are Sam and the girls?” Missouri asked, sitting across from him. “I left them behind.” Dean replied. “How come?” Missouri asked. “Dad told me that the time might come when…Oh God. He said there might come a time when I’ll…ill…” Dean said, losing his voice and unable to say it.

“A time when you’ll what?” Missouri asked. “That I might have to…kill…my own brother…Sam..and (RJ’s y/n).” Dean said, rolling his hands into shaking fist. “I can’t bear to think about it. My own brother and the girl I care about…I can’t do it.” Dean said, his whole body trembling as he lowers his head.

“What should I do? This is killing me.” Dean said, tearfully. Missouri gets up from her seat and walks over to Dean, hugging him. “Calm down, child. Just relax and rest for a bit.” She said and Dean begins to break down in tears.

Hours later, Dean was outside on the porch, resting on the railing as he looks out on the lake. “You’re awake. Here, this is for you. John told me to hold onto this for you.” Missouri said, setting a box onto a nearby table. “Dad did?” Dean asked, turning his head to look at it.

Dean open the box and found a number of photos inside. This included photos, unopened envelopes, and notebooks. “What the…? I thought he thrown these away.” Dean said, surprised. “Family photos?” Missouri asked, sitting at the table.

“Yeah.” Dean replied, taking out a couple photos. The first one on top was of himself at four years old, John, Mary, and baby Sam. Dean flips to the next photo and frowns at it. Missouri watches him, seeing his expression hardening at the sight of the photo. 

The photo was of a woman with long dark-hair, hugging Sam and (RJ’s y/n) from behind. Dean was glaring at the woman in the photo as he thought back to his, Sam’s and (RJ’s y/n)'s time with her.


The Winchester’s were staying in a safehouse, owned by Mr (l/n), that was practically in the middle of nowhere, Mr (l/n) and (RJ’s y/n) were of course there as well. Dean was on the second floor balcony and resting on the railing, absentmindedly staring out at nothing in particular. 

“Dean!” John hollered from the first floor, looking up at the stairs. In the kitchen, Sam and (RJ’s y/n) were reading a book each at the table while the woman from the photo was cooking at the stove.

“Dinners ready. Put your books away, kids.” The woman, Susan, said, carrying a platter of meatloaf to the table. “Wow, does that ever look good!” Sam exclaimed, shutting his book. "It smells good, doesn't it, Daddy?" (RJ’s y/n) asked Mr (l/n). "It sure does, sweetheart." Mr (l/n) said as he pats her head and takes a chair next to her. “Don’t touch it now it still a little hot.” Susan said, setting the meatloaf down on the table.

“Anyway…” Susan said and John turns away from the stairs to look at her. “Maybe I…maybe I should just be getting home.” She said. “Don’t let Dean’s behavior bother you.” John said to her. “Don’t worry Miss Lyle, Dean’s been acting really weird lately.” Sam said to Susan. 

“He’s just at a difficult age, Sam.” Mr (l/n) said as John walks over to the table and take a seat across from Sam. “Please sit down.” John said to Susan. “Come on, eat with us!” (RJ’s y/n) said and Susan giggles. 

“Thank you.” She said, taking a seat next to Sam. “We should be thanking you, Miss Lyle. You’ve done way more for us than just being Sam’s and (RJ’s y/n)'s Elementary school teacher.” Mr (l/n) said. “You’re welcome.” Susan said as the kids begin to dig into the food.

“Mmmm! This is amazing!” Sam exclaimed, with his mouthful. "Best food ever!" (RJ’s y/n) exclaimed. “Oh good, glad you two like it. But you two need to eat a little slower than that.” Susan told him, with a motherly smile.

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