Chapter 30: Breakdown

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The gang were staying at one of (RJ's y/n)'s safehouses when (RJ's y/n) woke up from her bed. She groans, rubs her eyes and looks over her shoulder to see Dean's back to her. She smiles as she hears his soft snores before slowly getting up and starts to stretch her arms until she felt her bones pop, satisfyingly.

She gets up out of the bed and grabs a bathrobe to put on, covering her night clothes which consisted of shorts and a tank top. She ties the rope around the robe, heads out of the room and into the kitchen.

She had just started pouring a bit of the pancake batter onto the griddle when she heard footsteps then felt strong hands on her shoulders. "Morning, beautiful." Dean greets her and kisses her cheek. "Morning, handsome." (RJ's y/n) said and Dean leans his chin on her shoulder.

"Whatcha cooking?" Dean asked her. "Pancakes." She said, smiling. "Oh, good. I'm starving." He said and she giggles at this. He then starts to kiss her neck as she cooks the pancakes. Then he places his hands on her waist and runs his hands up and down, giving her a ticklish feeling. "Dean, stop. That tickles." She said, giggling alittle. "Oh, really?" Dean asked and he does it again.

"Dean, I've got hot food!" (RJ's y/n) said, as she swats his hands away. "Ow!" He exclaimed. "Why don't you go to the fridge and get the bacon out. Oh, and the turkey bacon as well." She said and Dean scrunches up his nose at this. "Why? Should only be regular bacon!" Dean argued and (RJ's y/n) rolls her eyes.

"It's for your brother, okay? I got him those just for him. So, please, get those out and start cooking them." She said as she gives him her own puppy-dog eyes and Dean sighs. "Alright, fine." He said, not being able to resist those beautiful eyes when she makes them look big.

"Thank you, baby." She said, sweetly, then she gives him a kiss on the cheek before she turns back to the pancakes and he goes to grab the bacon. He grabs a pan, goes to the stove and cooks the bacon.

"That smells good." Sam said, after yawning as he walks in the kitchen. "Morning." (RJ's y/n) greets as she piles on the pancakes on a plate and Dean places the bacon on another plate. "Ugh, do I have to cook these hippie, Sarah McLaughlin grass-eater crap?" Dean whines and (RJ's y/n) rolls her eyes. "Here, I'll do it. You go sit at the table and eat." She said. "Alright!" Dean said, excitedly, as he heads to the table while (Slinky's y/n) comes in, carrying her laptop.

"Morning." Sam greets her. "Morning." She said as she takes a seat between the boys. "Smells good in here." (Slinky's y/n) said. "Hopefully tastes good." (RJ's y/n) said as she cooks the turkey bacon. "Oh, I'm sure it will! You always seemed to have the Midas touch when you cook." (Slinky's y/n) compliments and (RJ's y/n) chuckles.

"Anyway, I think I found a job." (Slinky's y/n) said. "Oh?" Dean said, intrigued, as (RJ's y/n) places the plate of turkey bacon by Sam's side. "Thanks." He said, plainly, and (RJ's y/n) noticed that he looked exhausted. "Yeah, in Oshkosh, Nebraska. Some girl was abducted from the middle of nowhere. She was driving down the road and then poof! Gone. Cops say her car was left behind as it had a flat tire but there was no trace of her." (Slinky's y/n) explained as (RJ's y/n) sits down next to Dean and everyone started to make a plate of breakfast. Everyone except Sam.

"And how is this a job of ours?" Dean asked her. "Well, the area where this girl disappeared from is claimed to be haunted. There's been other disappearances in that area as well and no one was able to find those people." (Slinky's y/n) explained and Dean and (RJ's y/n) share a look. "Sounds like our kinda thing to me." (RJ's y/n) said, shrugging. "I guess. What do you think, Sam?" Dean asked and he looks over to see Sam looking off to the side, like he was lost in thought.

"Sam? Sammy?!" Dean calls out and Sam jumps a bit then looks over at Dean and the girls. "Ah! What?" He asked and the trio raise an eyebrow at him. "Sam, you okay? You seem...on edge." (RJ's y/n) said, concerned. "I, uh...I didn't sleep well last night. I had a vision...or a nightmare...I don't know." Sam grumbles. "What was it about? Clowns? Midgets?" Dean asked and Sam scoffs.

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