Chapter 8: Savage Blood

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The gang were in Colorado where they were looking into another unsolved case that was recorded in John’s journal. Sam and (Slinky’s y/n) were sitting on a couple of steps on a staircase in their suits. Sam was holding John’s journal in one hand and (Slinky’s y/n) had her laptop sitting on her lap.

(Slinky’s y/n) glances up at Sam and he returns the glance. (Slinky’s y/n) quickly looks back at her laptop, blushing and Sam goes back to reading the journal. She still can’t believe she’s here alone with him or that they ended getting paired up together in the first place, thanks to (RJ’s y/n).

(Slinky’s y/n) clears her throat before speaking. “So, uh....Multiple cases of this kind has been reported during the past two years in Hoover, a town situated close to Alamosa." She said, quickly, then she looks up at Sam again, feeling so nervous to be around him.

"C-Could this be e-extraterrestrials a-activity?" She asked him. "You know before the Red Lodge murders there was numerous instances where cattle were killed and all their blood was drained. Then the cattle mutilations started.” Sam explained, skimming through the notes and newspaper articles in John’s Journal. (Slinky’s y/n) hums at this then goes back to her laptop.

“According to police reports, the five who were killed in the incidents had all moved into the town three years before." She said. "Yeah, Dad thought a demon might be behind it. But now the same thing is happening in Colorado.” Sam said, looking over the journal and at a sentence that was circle in red. High possibility culprit is a demon.

“The Hoover mutilatons started two years ago, now what? We’re supposed to go find everyone who moved there two years ago?” Sam asked and scoffs. “You know I bet your dad read about this too." (Slinky’s y/n) said and Sam hums. "Well alright, we got no choice.” He muttered.

Sam and (Slinky’s y/n) pack up their things and stand up, right as a big black Hummer pulled up and stopped at a red light. “Huh?” Sam muttered, seeing the driver’s face thanks to his window being down. It was a man with messy brown hair and a goatee. "What?" (Slinky’s y/n) asked him, concerned. 

“Hey, I think I know that guy.” Sam said, staring at the man, and (Slinky’s y/n) follows his gaze and sees the man. "You sure?" She asked. “Yeah, I’m sure I do.” He said and at the moment the light turns green and the man drives away.

Meanwhile, Dean and (RJ’s y/n) were elsewhere in town, Dean was leaning against the Impala as he drinks his coffee. (RJ’s y/n) was sitting on the hood, cross-legged, as she writes down in her own journal. “Man, Sam is getting a little paranoid these days. Towns don’t get anymore normal than this. Kids, citizens…” Dean said then he looks over at (RJ’s y/n) and notices she was busy.

Her hand was dancing across the surface of her journal and the look of concentration on her face Dean thought was actually kinda cute. "Whatcha writing?" Dean asked her. "Just things that's on my mind." She said as she continues to write. "Is there anything about me in there?" Dean asked and (RJ’s y/n) stops and looks over at him. 

"You know, anything like Dear diary, today I saw Dean Winchester. And my God, he is so handsome, I can't contain my excitement." Dean said and (RJ’s y/n) gives him a look then she gets off of the car and walks up to him. "Will it help you sleep better at night if I tell you I wrote about you in here?" She asked him then she places right pointer finger under his chin, which makes his heart jump up to his throat.

"Maybe." Dean said after he gulps. (RJ’s y/n) gives him a smile then leans in close before she said. "Then no." 

"Ah, come on." Dean groans as (RJ’s y/n) backs away from him and giggled and she turns but stops as she notices something.

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