Chapter 42: Lovesick

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5 Years Ago


A young blonde haired blue eyed man, about 21 years old, was running for his life through the woods. He could hear the hurried footsteps and the growl of what sounded like a wolf behind him. He was feeling a bit tired, his feet were hurting and he was getting out of breath but he had to keep moving, lest take the risk of the monster catching up to him.

But in his hast, he trips over an uprooted tree trunk in the ground and falls face forward on the grassy ground. "Oh crap!" The young man said as the heard the wolf get closer. He rolls over on his back just in time to see this person, a large man, with wolf like features and long claw-like nails looking over him.

The man screams and raises his arms over his head until he heard a voice. "Hey, furball!" The wolf-man turns and there was a loud gunshot. The man flinches at the noise as the wolf-man screeches and growls until two more shots rung out and the wolf-man fell over, dead.

The young man lowers his arms and stares at the dead body in shock and horror as footsteps come up to him. "Hey! You okay?" The female voice said and he turns to see a young pretty girl wearing jeans, a white tank top and a black leather jacket coming up to him.

"Y-Y-Yeah, I-I-I...what was that thing?!" He asked her. "A werewolf." The girl replied, plainly. "What?" The young man asked. "A werewolf. You were lucky, you almost became his chew toy...until he rips your heart out of your chest." The girl said. "Wait, I'm so confused. So you're saying that werewolves are real?!" He said and the girl chuckles a bit. "Yes, and so are vampire, witches, ghosts, demons and many other things that go bump in the night." She said.

"And what you...kill them?" The young man asked her. "Yeah, we're called hunters. And we do everything we can to make things out there a bit safer for people." She said and the young man placed his hand on his head. "I feel dizzy and sick." He said and she gives him a concerned look.

"I can take you home, if you like." She offered and he looks up at her then nods. She holds a hand out to him, he then takes it and she helps him up to his feet. Now standing and getting a better look at the girl, he was instantly captivated by her beauty although he did worry a bit as she did look a bit young.

"You look kinda young to be doing things like that." He points out. "Hey, I'm 18, I can handle it. Plus my dad taught me how to fight." She said and he was relieved to hear that she was 18. "Come on, golden boy, let's get you home." She said, in a teasing tone, and he smiles at her then they walk over to her motorcycle.

"By the way, what's your name?" The young man asked the girl. "(RJ's y/n). What's yours?" She asked. "Derek." He replied as they get to her motorcycle, mount it and start to head off.

After pulling up to his house, Derek gets off and looks over at (RJ's y/n). "Well, thanks for saving my life. I owe you one." Derek said. "It's fine. Just be more careful out there and no late night walks in the woods, okay?" She said and Derek chuckles. "Yeah. Well, hey, maybe I could take you for some coffee tomorrow?" Derek said and the girl gives a small frown.

"I think since the werewolf is taken care of, my dad and I should be heading back..." (RJ's y/n) said and Derek looks a bit dejected. "Oh..." he mutters and she gives him a sympathetic look. "Well, I might be able to squeeze you in my schedule before I get to leave." She said and he perks up a bit. "Okay, cool!" He said and she giggled a bit.

"There's this diner just down the road from here, they have great coffee there. I'll meet you there at about seven?" Derek asked her and she nods. "Sure, sounds good." She said and she starts to rev up the engine of her bike. "I'll see you in the morning?" She said and Derek nods. "See you in the morning." He said and she starts to leave while Derek smiles after her, his heart beating hard against his chest.

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