Chapter 5: Alter Ego

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Dean was wearing sunglasses and whistling as he drive the Impala. Sam was asleep in passenger seat next to his brother and the girls were passed out in the backseat.
Sam and (RJ's y/n) stir in their sleep as both of them see a yellow-eyed man standing over their crib when they were a baby. Then Sam sees himself as a child, running through the woods with with a gun and being chased by monsters. Finally, he saw Jessica burning on the ceiling above him.

Meanwhile, (RJ's y/n) saw herself as a child shooting at some bottles her father set up on a fence. Then she saw her father on a hospital bed, looking frail and sickly. Then she saw large flames consuming her vision.

Both Sam and (RJ's y/n) gasp and wake up, startled. Sam breathes heavily as he looks around, remembering where he was, as well as (RJ's y/n). "Wakey-wakey, sunshine. Sammy." Dean said to Sam, removing his sunglasses.

"Don't do that please. Don't call me Sammy." Sam said, taking another breath to calm himself. Menawhile, (RJ's y/n) takes in a few deep breathes and runs her hand over her face. "You okay back there?" Dean asked her and she nods. "I'm fine." She said while (Slinky's y/n) wakes up. "Where are we?" (Slinky's y/n) asked, yawning. "We still gotta another 500 clicks till we get to Missouri." Dean replied.

"Missouri? I thought we were heading north. You're gonna tell us or do we have to guess? Did dad call?" Sam asked. "No, I haven't heard from him yet, but check this out. Front page." Dean said, tapping a newspaper that sat on the seat between them, and the girls lean over the seat to read the paper.

"Sounds pretty gruesome. Go on, check it out." Dean said and Sam picks up the newspaper, seeing the main headline reads: ANOTHER BLOODY MURDER WIFE TIED AND STABBED.

"Bloody murder, husband kills new bride with a cleaver." Sam reads. "Charming. And?" (RJ's y/n) asked, sarcastically. "I checked. They say this is 4th killing in six months. It's a small town, they don't usually have any crime at all. They also think there was a second person involved but he won't say." Dean explained. "Yeah so? Do we become cops all of a sudden?" Sam asked, tossing the newspaper aside and resting his elbow on the door so he could drop his chin on his hand. "Plus all of the suspects that were arrested claimed they were in a different place at the time the murder was committed and deny a partner." Dean explained.

"So what you're saying is that the same person must've been in two places at once." (Slinky's y/n) muttered. "It's something worth looking into, dontcha think?" Dean asked. "Sure. But I rather spend our time trying to find dad." Sam said. "Dad would being doing the same thing if he was here and you know it." Dean said. "Yeah, whatever. Suit yourself." Sam muttered, looking out his window, and the girls lean back in the seat and (RJ's y/n) looks out the window as well.

"You okay?" (Slinky's y/n) asked her friend, noticing her demeanor. "Yeah...I'm fine." (RJ's y/n) replied as she folds her arms across her chest.

The gang arrive in Missouri and after changing into their suits, they head to the police station where Zach is being held. Walking inside the busy police station, Dean's eyes immediately locked on someone.

"Uh excuse me." Dean said and a young woman stops walking and turns around. Dean chuckles and smiles at her face, which lite a fire in (RJ's y/n) chest. "Dean." Sam muttered, warningly.

"Uh hi, I'd like to talk to Detective Boyle, please." Dean said, as he approaches the woman, Sam and the girls right behind him. "And what would this be about?" The woman asked. Dean smiles as he takes out his fake badge, to show her. "David Sabo, we're Federal Marshals." He said.

"We like to talk to him about the murders if we could. Is he around at all?" Sam asked, as Dean puts his badge away. "You're looking at him. Detective Katherine Boyle." The woman introduced, which shocked the gang. "What can I do for you, Marshals?" Katherine asked, holding her hand out. "Uh...good to meet you Detective." Dean said, taking her hand and shaking it.

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