Chapter 25: When The Night Moves

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Dean and (RJ's y/n) were in their separate motel rooms, getting ready for their first date. (RJ's y/n) was trying some clothes on and coming out of the bathroom to see what (Slinky's y/n) thought. "That looks nice." She said, making (RJ's y/n) frown. "That's what you been saying for all of them." She muttered.

"But they all do look nice. It's not my fault everything looks good on you." (Slinky's y/n) said and (RJ's y/n) sighs, brushing her damp bangs out of her face. "Since when do you care so much about what you wear?" (Slinky's y/n) asked.

(RJ's y/n) shrugs. "I don't know what's gotten into me. I don't even remember being this nervous on my date with my first boyfriend." She said, taking a seat on the edge of her bed. "I almost forgot what it's like to get the jitters." She muttered.

"You getting jitters?" (Slinky's y/n) asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "Well it's not like this is some guy I picked up at a bar. This is Dean. We've been together so long and if something happens..." (RJ's y/n) said, going quite.

(Slinky's y/n) gives a look of sympathy and understanding and stands up from her bed, walking over to sit down next to her. "I get it. But I think it's gonna take more than a bad date to break up the bond you and Dean have." She said.

"You think so?" (RJ's y/n) asked, turning her head to look at her. "Of course I do. Just try not to stress it too much and treat it like a normal outing." (Slinky's y/n) said and (RJ's y/n) chuckles. "That's pretty good advice. Maybe you should take a page out of your own book there." She said.

(Slinky's y/n) blushes, already knowing what she was getting at. "Hey, let's keep the focus on you and Dean. Worry about my failing love life some other time." She said and (RJ's y/n) laughs. "Alright, we'll come back to that later." She said, standing up and going back into the bathroom to blow dry her hair.

Meanwhile in the boys room, Dean was standing in the bathroom, shirtless and spraying cologne. "Dean, I think that's enough. I can smell you from here." Sam grumbled, covering his nose and glaring towards the bathroom across the room.

"Just making sure I smell good for my date." Dean said, settling the cologne aside to grab the comb and do his hair. "Well congratulations, she's not gonna be able to smell anything else." Sam said, turning back to his laptop.

"Don't be so moody, Sammy. You could get a date too if you just go for it." Dean said and Sam frowns. "I told you, it's complicated." He said. "Yeah, sure. Sounds to me you're just making excuses." Dean said, coming out of the bathroom to put on his shirt.

"Just shut it, alright?" Sam grumbled, keeping his eyes on his laptop screen to avoid glaring at him. "Whatever." Dean said, grabbing his jacket and slinging it on his arm. "Well I'm heading out. Don't wait up." He said, grabbing his keys off the table and winking at his brother before leaving the room.

Dean strutted down the sidewalk to the room next door and knocks on the door a couple times. The door is open by (Slinky's y/n) while (RJ's y/n) was still getting ready in the bathroom. "Hey (Slinky's y/n)! Is (RJ's y/n) ready?" Dean asked, with a boyish smile.

"Almost. Why don't you go wait by the Impala? She'll be out soon." (Slinky's y/n) suggested and Dean nodded. "Alright, you have a great night." He said. "You too, Dean." (Slinky's y/n) said and Dean whistles. "Oh, I know I will." He said and laughs as he turns and walks to the Impala.

Later, (Slinky's y/n) was sitting on her bed watching TV when (RJ's y/n) emerges from the bathroom. "Well I'm going." She said, walking to the door, a mix of giddy excitement and nervousness in her voice. "Have fun." (Slinky's y/n) said, watching her leave with a smile.

Dean perked up when he heard a door open and look towards the girls' room and froze when he saw (RJ's y/n) coming out, pulling the door close behind her and slipping her room key into her jacket pocket.

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