Chapter 34: Regarding (RJ's y/n)

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A wounded man runs through the forest as fast as he can, bleeding from a wound on his side. He stops to make a call. "You have to. No! Listen to me...Get out of there." He said into the phone while (RJ's y/n) comes running after the man. She sees the man stopped by a tree and fires a shot at him.

"Just go! Now!" The man yelled into his phone then he runs off again, leaving behind a smear of blood on the tree. (RJ's y/n) comes up to the tree and sees where his bullet hit and the smear of blood. She hears a rustling sound and heads towards it, gun drawn. She comes upon the man on one knee facing another tree.

"You people. You never learn, do you? Always trying to run." She said and the man turns around, he had carved something into the tree which is beginning to glow with a purple light. "Dearmad!" The man shouts and there is a flash of purple and (RJ's y/n) is knocked to the ground, unconscious.

The next morning, (RJ's y/n) wakes up and sees that she was laying on the ground in the forest. She looks over and sees a rabbit sitting beside her. "Ohh..." she moans, softly, and she starts to sit up a bit, brushing leaves out of her face. "Ugh." She groans as she looks down and sees the rabbit. "Hey, buddy." She mutters as she picks up the rabbit, pets it then placed the rabbit behind her then stands up.

She looks around, unsure of where she is, then she pulls out her phone to make a call and sees the screen is badly cracked and her phone no longer works. "Oh, come on." She grumbles then she turns around and sees a walking path not far from where she's standing. There are several people walking or jogging along it.

"And I was like, Andy, the dog's vegan." A woman said into her phone as she pushes a stroller. "Hey. Hey." (RJ's y/n) called out as she walks over to the woman, who kept talking in her phone.

"Excuse me. Do you mind if I–" (RJ's y/n) said as she gets up to the woman. The woman gasps and recoils from (RJ's y/n) then she reaches into her purse hanging off the stroller and hands (RJ's y/n) some money.

"Wh–" (RJ's y/n) stammers, confused. "Just don't buy a drink." The woman said and her baby makes some noises as she starts walking away. "Huh." (RJ's y/n) mutters, confused again, then she looks around again and sees a man jogging towards her with a dog. She walks up to him to talk.

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Excuse me." She said and the man stops jogging. "Look, uh, uh, I'm not a – not a bum, okay?" (RJ's y/n) explains and the man removes his ear buds to hear her. (RJ's y/n) looks at the cord from the headphones going into the man's pocket. "Just somebody who really needs to use a phone. Do you mind?" She asked.

The man hesitates, and then unplugs his headphones and hands (RJ's y/n) his phone. "Great. Thank you." (RJ's y/n) said, gratefully, then she walks a short amount away from the man to make her phone call. "Okay." She mutters then she dials a number and the phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" (Slinky's y/n)'s voice answered, unsure. "(Slinky's y/n)?" (RJ's y/n) said and (Slinky's y/n) lets out a surprised and relieved gasp. "(RJ's y/n), oh my God, I was so scared. I've been beyond terrified to call Sam and Dean and send an S.O.S! Where the hell have you been?" She asked her and (RJ's y/n) looks around the park, confusedly, and at the man jogging in place. "I'm not really sure about that." She said.

"You—Well, where are you now?" (Slinky's y/n) asked and (RJ's y/n) looks around again. "I'm not real sure about that either. I, um..." (RJ's y/n) said then she hears truck horns blaring and sees a Waldo's Waffles sign. "Oh. Ha ha. I'm starvin'. How you feel about waffles?" (RJ's y/n) asked and (Slinky's y/n) makes a confused noise.

"What?" (Slinky's y/n) asked, confused. "Dumb question. Right. What psycho doesn't love waffles?" (RJ's y/n) goes on and (Slinky's y/n) is totally confused by what (RJ's y/n) is saying. "I mean, they're fluffy. You got the little pockets full of syrup. You just cover 'em in whipped cream. Am I right?" (RJ's y/n) asked, casually.

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