Chapter 15: What Lives In The Lake

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A delivery truck drives past the Impala that was parked on the side of the road. Dean was working on the engine while Sam and the girls stood behind him. “Ugh, damnit I knew it, It’s the carburetor!” Dean growled. “Told you we should’ve gotten it fixed at the last stop but did you listen?” Sam said, sarcastically. “No way! You think I’m gonna let some stranger touch my baby?” Dean said, shooting him a dirty look over his shoulder before returning to the engine.

“You sure you can fix it yourself?” (RJ’s y/n) asked. “Yes, I can do it.” Dean groaned. “When’s it gonna be ready?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked, folding her arms. “I don’t know, guys! Get off my back!” Dean growled and Sam sighs as another delivery truck drives by. “Guess we’ll be stuck in this town for a while.” Sam muttered.

After some time, Dean decided to take a break and they went down to the diner. “Here you go.” A woman, with long red hair, said as sets each plate down in front of the gang, who were sitting at the counter. “Ooh, that looks good!” Dean said, smiling at his plate. “Thanks a lot.” Sam said to the waitress. "Yeah, thank you." (Slinky’s y/n) said. "Thanks." (RJ’s y/n) said.

“I don’t think I ever seen you guys around here. You from out of town?” The waitress asked them. “Yeah, good call.” Sam replied. “I thought so. You guys look a little fancy for this hick town.” The waitress said. “You think so? I’d say you were a little too pretty for this town as well.” Dean said, smirking at her, and (RJ’s y/n) frowns and side eyes him.

“Gee, thanks. I am from out of town, just like you guys.” The waitress said. “Huh?” Sam and (Slinky’s y/n) muttered, surprise, while (RJ’s y/n) raises an eyebrow at this. “I’m on the road a lot. I earn money waitressing in every town I stop in on the way. But I’m afraid I ran flat out of cash in this backwoods town. So I’m working here until I save up enough to blow this popsicle stand.” The waitress explained.

“Well, we could offer you a ride to the next town if you like.” Dean said, grinning. “Seriously?” The waitress asked. “Yeah! You just have to wait until I get the car fix though. And also have to sit snuggly between the girls in the backseat.” Dean replied. “It’s not a bad idea. I’ll think about it.” The waitress said and she waved to the gang as she walks off.

“Red heads. They can be pretty fiery you know. I wouldn’t mind a little spanking from her.” Dean said, watching her hips sway as she walks, and (Slinky’s y/n), who was sipping her coffee, spits out her mouthful of her drink and chokes. (RJ’s y/n) pats her back then glares over at Dean, her cheeks turning red.

“Dean, what the hell are you talking about? Don’t forget, we have other things to do.” (RJ’s y/n) said, angrily. “Just kidding. Would you just relax for once? Look there’s nothing we can do until we that car’s fixed. So just laid back and chill for a while. Come on.” Dean said and Sam scoffs, (RJ’s y/n) rolls her eyes and (Slinky’s y/n)'s coughing subsidies.  "I'm okay, I'm okay." She said, her voice hoarse.

“Mike, you get in the jitters?” A man asked and Dean turns his head, seeing three men in jumpsuits sitting at a table. “You’re not backing out are you?” The man wearing a hat asked. “No way! Unless you’re wiggling out, Toby. Make sure you don’t scream mommy too loud when you see the thing.” Mike said. “Knock it off both of you! Listen, gotta think about how we’re gonna spend the cash when we sell the video.” The third man said.

“What are they talking about?” Dean asked. “They’re talking about staking out the creature.” An older man said and Dean turns back to see four beers set on the counter by the bartender. “What do you mean creature?” (RJ’s y/n) asked, curiously.  

“It’s all over the internet. You mean you kids haven’t heard about it? They’re claiming there’s some kind of creature living in this towns lake. Apparently there’s even been a fatality. It’s been bringing in young hot heads like those guys over there, looking to be heroes. A real nuisance I tell you.” The man explained. “A creature, huh?” Dean muttered. “What kind is it?” Sam asked.

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