Chapter 37: What Is And Should Never Be

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"Guys!" Sam and (RJ's y/n) shouted, their voices echoing and sounding far away. "Guys!" Sam and (RJ's y/n) shouted again, their voice sounding even further away as two glowing blue eyes appeared through the darkness. A heart beat could be heard as both Dean and (Slinky's y/n) lay motionless in the darkness, red vines covering their whole body. Their eyes were open wide, not moving...almost appearing to be dead.

Suddenly Dean woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily. It appears where he was just a dream. In actuality, he was lying in an uncomfortable position in bed, a magazine covering his face. He let's out tried groan as he turn over onto his back, the magazine sliding off his face onto the floor.

Dean looks over to see a naked (h/c) woman asleep next to him. He doesn't react at first due to his sleepy state but then he realizes the woman next to him was (RJ's y/n). "Huh?" Dean said, confused, and he gets out of bed.

Later Dean exits the bedroom, dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants. He takes out his phone and, frantically, calls Sam, anxiously listening to the rings until... "Hello?" Sam said when he picks up.

"Sam, you okay? Where are you?" Dean asked quickly. "Where? I'm in California." Sam replied, confused. "Huh?? California?! Is this a joke or something? We were just hunting in Illinois." Dean said, glancing back into the bedroom where the woman turns over in bed still asleep.

"Hunting?" Sam repeated, sounding even more confused. "Yeah, and then I woke up just now in a strange house with (RJ's y/n) lying next to me, which she's supposed to be with you." Dean explains. "You're kidding me, right? Hunting in Illinois. You must've been dreaming." Sam said and Dean let out a puzzled huh sound.

"And why would (RJ's y/n) be with me? She's your wife." Sam said, unimpressed, and Dean gasps when he hears that (RJ's y/n) is his wife. "What the hell?" He muttered, staring at (RJ's y/n) in shock. "And besides I've already got a good woman with me." Sam said. "Huh?" Dean said. "You know, (Slinky's y/n)." Sam said and Dean gasps again.

"Hey, look it's pretty late. I really got to study. Bye." Sam said and he hangs up, looking at his phone. Sam was surrounded by text books, with the only source of light coming from his computer screen and a desk lamp next to him "Is he drunk or what?" Sam muttered concerned, then he sets his phone down on a book titled: Criminal Law & Procedure.

Meanwhile, (Slinky's y/n) wakes up and finds herself in bed in a strange room. "Huh? Where the hell am I?" She asked as she looks around. She looks down at herself to see she's in pajama pants and a t-shirt. "This can't be right." She mutters to herself and gets up to walk out of the room.

She walks out into the hallway, seeing light coming out of one of the rooms down the hall. She walks down towards it then enters it to see Sam sitting at a desk with books around him and a computer in front of him. She gasps and looks at the view in front of her, confused, just as Sam looks over at her and gives her a small smile.

"Hey, baby..." Sam said and (Slinky's y/n) looks around. "Hey, Sam, uh...where's Dean and (RJ's y/n)?" She asked and Sam furrows his brow. "Uh, in Kansas..." He said like it was obvious. "Kansas?! But we were in Illinois! On a hunting trip!" (Slinky's y/n) said and Sam gives her a concerned look.

"Did you and Dean come up with this to pull my leg?" Sam asked her. "What do you mean?!" (Slinky's y/n) exclaims. "Dean just called me about the same thing. So what, you two concocted a story to pull some sort've prank on me?" He asked and (Slinky's y/n) shakes her head then rubs her temple with her fingers.

"My head hurts." She groans and Sam frowns and goes over to her. "Well, hey, you need me to get you some medicine? I think we have some aspirin." He said. "Maybe..." she mutters and Sam goes to leave the room just as (Slinky's y/n) then starts to cough a little.

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