Chapter 35: Mint Condition

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"He must have brought them back, back from hell, again. Hell Hazers 3, it lives again. And now, back to Hatchet Man, All Saints Day. There'll be no further interruptions." The announcer on the TV said. Dean and (RJ's y/n) were snuggled up together as they were laying in bed together and watching the TV that was on the dresser next to the bed. The last couple of days, the gang decided to relax at one of the safehouses and Dean wouldn't leave (RJ's y/n) alone after that memory loss spell.

(RJ's y/n) was laying on her right side and Dean was lying behind her, his left arm wrapped around her waist and his chin propped on her shoulder. Both of them watching the TV, avidly. "Time to slice and dice." Dean recited as he runs his fingers up and down (RJ's y/n)'s stomach.

On the TV, a man is mopping a corridor and then stops to steal candy out of a vending machine when his hand gets stuck. Hatchet Man comes up behind him, carrying two hatchets and wearing a gruesome half mask over his scarred face. "Hey, this area is closed off. I said beat it, buddy." The janitor said then the Hatchet Man swings the hatchet at the man's outstretched leg. Blood splatters across the candy machine while the man screams in agony.

A door opens further up the corridor and a woman appears. "Time to slice and dice." Hatchet Man said and the woman screams. (RJ's y/n) turns her head to see Dean looking enthralled with the movie and she couldn't help but think how adorable he looked, like a little kid watching a Saturday morning cartoon.

She smiles then leans up and kiss his cheek then places her head back on the pillow. "You know this is nice." Dean said and she hums, in confusion. "Just laying in bed, watching an awesome movie, having my girl in my arms." Dean said and he kisses her cheek. "Yeah, this is nice." (RJ's y/n) said as she turns to look at him then they started to kiss. It was just a nice and sweet kiss before it started to deepen and become more passionate.

It didn't take long for the couple to start making out like typical teenagers that watched a horror movie. (RJ's y/n) hums as their lips continued to move against each other and she starts lay on her back, so as to not strain her neck. They make-out for a few more minutes until they hear a knock at the door. They stop what they're doing and Dean turns his head towards the door.

"Yo." Dean calls out and the door opens and Sam walks in, cautiously. "Hey." Sam greets. "Hey." The couple greets back. "What are you guys doing?" Sam asked them. "Horror marathon on Shocker. Just made our way through the Halloweens and now we're about to watch All Saints Day." (RJ's y/n) explained as she goes to lay on her right side again. "Oh, so romantic." Sam said, sarcastically, just as Hatchet Man says. "Time to slice and dice."

"I'd rather watch these movies instead of The Notebook or Titanic." (RJ's y/n) said and Sam scoffs a little. "Don't tell him that. He loves Celine Dion." Dean teased and (RJ's y/n) giggles.

"I like it when they run." Hatchet Man said as he chases after his next victim. "Alright, well I hate to disturb your marathon, but I think I found us a case." Sam said. "Anything about Yellow-Eyes?" (RJ's y/n) asked. "No, killer toy." Sam replied. "What kind of toy?" Dean asked and Sam sets his laptop on the bed in front of the couple, who sit up a little. A video of a young man with cuts on his face plays with the title: THEY LIVE: Killer Toys! True Story!

"...and then the thing freaking jumped me! I mean, it wouldn't stop. It was over and over..." the man said and he mimes nunchucks while Dean and (RJ's y/n) look at this, bemused. "Panthro kicked my ass." The young man said and the couple's eyes widen.

"Thundercats? Seriously?" Dean asked, surprised. "Yeah. But I mean, you guys are all comfortable in bed, at least eight more of these movies so I'll just leave you two to it and (Slinky's y/n) and I will..." Sam said and Dean and (RJ's y/n) share a look before they sit up and get out of the bed. "Oh, hell no, hell no. No, Panthro, that's ours!" Dean said as they go to get ready and Sam smiles.

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