Chapter 21: Last Call

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“What do you mean he’s gone?” (RJ’s y/n) asked, looking down at Missouri as she drinks her tea outside on her porch. “Left as the sun was rising. Crazy boy was sitting atop my chimney.” Missouri said.

“Did he say where he was going?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked, the only one sitting with Missouri. “No.” Missouri replied and (RJ’s y/n) frowns at this. “Which way did he go?” Sam asked. “He was driving South.” Missouri said.

“That’s not a lot to go off of.” (RJ’s y/n) grumbled. “You three found John Winchester on less.” Missouri pointed out and the others share a look. “Thanks anyway, Missouri.” Sam said, stepping closer to the table to help (Slinky’s y/n) up, who begins to blush.

The trio turns and started to walk away, with Sam holding (Slinky’s y/n)’s arm to help her walk. “Sam. (RJ’s y/n).” Missouri called out and the hunters stop, turning back. “If you do find Dean and he tells you why he took off on his own in the first place. Do not hold it against him.” Missouri said.

Sam and the girls exchanged a look. “Missouri, do you know why he left us?” (RJ’s y/n) asked. “It is not place to say, I’m afraid.” Missouri replied, taking another sip of her tea. The trio stare at Missouri for a moment then they walked off.

(RJ’s y/n) took out a map to read it as Sam helps (Slinky’s y/n) into a sidecar that he and (RJ’s y/n) attached to the bike after Dean took off on them. “You settled in alright?” Sam asked her. “Y-yeah. Thanks Sam.” (Slinky’s y/n) stammered with a nervous smile.

“There’s a town that’s about three or four hours from here. Said to have the best burgers in the state.” (RJ’s y/n) said, closing the map. “Sounds like Dean’s kind of place.” (Slinky’s y/n) remarked. “It’s a start.” Sam said.

“Alright then.” (RJ’s y/n) said, climbing on her bike and Sam gets on behind her, everyone puts their helmets on. “Let’s find ourselves a Winchester.” (RJ’s y/n) said, revving her bike.

A few days later, the Impala was sitting in a parking lot of the Texhoma County Sheriff's office. “Excuse me, Sheriff.” Dean said, calling out to an officer that was walking by as he climbs out of his car. The sheriff stops and looks at Dean as he approaches. “May I help you?” He asked.

“Agent Dukes.” Dean said, holding up his fake badge. “Dukes? Like put up your dukes?” The sheriff asked, holding up his fists. “Exactly.” Dean replied. “Sheriff Dillon.” The sheriff said, shaking his hand.

“Good to meet ya. Listen, I'm looking into the disappearance of Angela Sullivan.” Dean said. “Disappearance?” Dillon asked and Dean nodded. “Uh, I wouldn't go that far.” Dillon said. “No? Why not?” Dean asked.

“Well, for one, Angela's car is gone. Cars don't usually disappear unless they're being driven somewhere.” Dillon said. “Okay, so you think what?” Dean asked. “That girl wasn't taken. She left on her own.” Dillon said. “You sure about that?” Dean asked.

“Look, this is a small town. Angela's mom and dad passed a few years ago, but even before they did, she was talking about moving to L.A., trying to get on one of them competition shows, like the one with the Knight Rider." Dillon explained. “Right.” Dean said.

“It happens. Kids usually last about a week before they return. I stayed there a whole month.” Dillon said, grinning and Dean gives him a questionable look. “Oh, they don't know what they missed. I could've been the next Denzel.” Dillon said, smirking and Dean just stares at him, blankly.

“Huh?” Dillon said, nodding, and Dean politely nodded too. “All right. Uh, why would her friend report her missing?” He asked. “I don't know. For the attention. Sally's got issues.” Dillon replied.

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