Chapter 7: Temptation Of The Demon

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The gang were standing outside an abandon looking barn in the middle of the desert. Dean took off his jacket because of the heat and had it slung over his shoulder as well as did (RJ's y/n) but her jacket was in the car.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Sam asked, seeing no one else around. "Yeah." Dean replied, sounding annoyed. "There's no way you could've gotten it wrong?" (RJ's y/n) asked him. "No, this is it." Dean grumbled.

"So what do you think Bobby found that could help us find dad?" Sam asked. "Ugh, Sam will you just stop?! You're going around in circles and it's driving me nuts! I would've told you if I knew something, alright? Now can you please just shut up for a minute?" Dean growled. Sam sighs and looks down at the sandy ground. "Sorry." He muttered. "I'm sure Dad has his reasons and he'll be here." (Slinky's y/n) said as (RJ's y/n) sighs with exhaustion.

"Man, it's hotter than hell out here." (RJ's y/n) said. "Yeah. That Air conditioner at the hotel sounds pretty good right now." Sam said. "You got that right." (RJ's y/n) said. "And we don't have to worry about poisonous snakes there either." Dean said and (RJ's y/n) goes to sit up on the trunk of the Impala, pulling her feet up. "(RJ's y/n)?" (Slinky's y/n) asked, worried. "Just...I just hate snakes is all." (RJ's y/n) replied.

"Ah, don't worry, sweetheart, I'll protect you." Dean said as he walks up to her and pats her leg. "Oh, my hero." (RJ's y/n) said, sarcastically, and Dean was about to say something but felt a presence and his eyes looks to his left to the barn behind them.

All of them look over at the barn just as a mysterious figure steps up, raising a gun at the gang. The gang leap away and Dean threw his jacket at the figure, blinding them. As the person grabs the jacket to remove it from their head, they felt a gun pressed into their back by (RJ's y/n).

Sam, (Slinky's y/n) and Dean take out their guns and pointed at the attacker. "Put it down! Nice and slow." Dean commanded. "He said drop the gun." Sam said and the attack does their told and drops the gun, holding up their hands. "Slowly take the jacket off." (RJ's y/n) ordered and the attack complies, revealing themselves to be a short rounded man, who's dressed rather sharply.

(Slinky's y/n) lowers her gun, looking at the man surprised. "You gotta be kidding me. Dad?" She said, shocked. "What?" the others asked, letting Bobby go to move around him and see his face. "Hey there (Slinky's y/n), hi (RJ's y/n). Hey, boys. Long time no see." Bobby said, cheerfully.

The gang returns to the hotel with Bobby, thankful to be back in their room with the air conditioner saving them from the desert heat. "Bobby, what the hell were you thinking pointing gun at us?" Dean asked and Bobby chuckles as he takes a seat in armchair.

"I was just keeping you on your toes. Look at you three!" Bobby said as he gestures to the boys and (RJ's y/n). "You three sure aren't kids anymore are ya?" He asked, grinning. Bobby shifts in his chest and reaches under his butt to pull out blue underwear he was sitting on. Then he turns to (Slinky's y/n). "How's my favorite daughter doing?" Bobby asked her and she lets out a small laugh. "I'm your only daughter." She said. "And that's why your my favorite." He jokes and (Slinky's y/n) rolls her eyes.

"Anyway...How long has it been since I've seen you three? You guys been treating my little girl well?" Bobby asked, casually. Sam reaches over and snatches his underwear out of Bobby's hand, his cheek turning a bright shade of pink. "Knock it off! You know anything about Dad or not?" He asked.

"Alright, alright. You know a guy name William Anderson?" Bobby asked as the boys took a seat on each armrest of the other armchair while the girls go sit on the edge of a bed. "No, who is he?" (RJ's y/n) asked. "You mean, who was he. He was murdered the other day, his body was torn in half by bare hands." Bobby explained and (Slinky's y/n) gasps a bit at this.

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