Chapter 10: The Spirit Of Vegas

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The gang were in Las Vegas, where Dean was having a blast gambling all his money for the chance to make even more. Dean was dressed in a tux as he played blackjack, people gathered around him to watch.

“And that’s blackjack! Lady Luck is on my side tonight, Orlan. Since I started playing at your table, I haven’t lost a hand.” Dean said, grinning smugly, while the dealer was staring down at his cards in shock. A tall man in a red vest walks up and places his hand on Orlan’s shoulder, making him tense up.

Sam and the girls enter the room, in their regular clothing, and soon spot Dean at the table, laughing. “Alright, I am on a roll, Orlan!" Dean exclaims when a couple of large men grab Orlan. "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa where do you think you’re taking him? This guy is gold for me, come on!” Dean said as Orlan and the men walk away.

Sam looks at his brother with a tired expression while (RJ’s y/n) sighs. "Of course." She said, exasperated, and they walk over to collect him. “No sir, I am not finished yet tonight!” Dean said. “Dean, we got to go.” Sam said, leaning down to talk to him. 

“Huh? What are you talking about? I’m on a roll here, guys.” Dean said, looking over his shoulder at them. “We should get to what we came here for.” Sam reminded him and Dean gives him a confused look. “Besides luck only last so long.” (RJ’s y/n) said and the gang exchange a few words, with Dean wanting to continue gambling and Sam and the girls wanting to get back to work. 

The conversation was interrupted when Orlan, who was only a few feet away from the table, was suddenly killed by a light that broke off of the ceiling and fell right on top of him, killing him instantly. 

The gang stare at the horrible sight, mouths agape. They were so shocked by the sudden death that they didn’t notice a Japanese coin that was once pinned to Orlan’s vest, flew up into the air and landed into Dean’s chip pile.

Later, the gang were a the bar, reeling from what just happened. “Man, right when I was on top of my game.” Dean grumbled. “You know your luck wasn’t gonna hold out forever.” (Slinky’s y/n) said. “Yeah well, it was holding out long enough for me to keep winning!” Dean said, turning to glare at her.

Dean then notices something pass Sam and smiles. “Check it out.” He said and Sam and the girls turn to see a woman with long black hair, wearing a magenta dress that was showing off a lot of her cleavage and legs. “Maybe I still am on a roll.” Dean said, getting up and straightening his bowtie. “I’m gonna go talk to her. Don’t wait up.” He said, stretching over to the woman, and (Slinky’s y/n) looks over at her friend to see she had a look of anger on her face, which was turning to a shade of red. “Dean.” Sam said, grabbing his shoulder to stop him.

“Why are you being such a kill joy?” Dean asked him. “Because I heard her being questioned by the police earlier. It was about that dealer who dropped dead.” Sam said. “What?” Dean asked.

The gang went over to speak with the woman, Katty, and Sam and the girls question her while Dean was sitting off to the side, grumpy about not getting to hit on her. “About Mr. Orlan?” Katty asked. “Right.” Sam replied and Katty laughs.

“I am a recuperate at the roulette table. I never worked blackjack, so I never knew much about him. But I have heard some terrible stories. Like once, he ended up selling out a months worth of winnings. And he did it in only three days. And every night after he lose a bundle he’d start crying and saying he was possessed.” Katty explained. “Possessed?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked. “I’m sure he was making it up. Everyone has a losing streak, you know. But the casino has pretty deep pockets. I’m not worried, I’m sure there’s still plenty of money in their vault.” Katty explained then checks her watch.

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