Chapter 3: Home

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The Impala drove down a street in the pouring rain, the atmosphere inside the vehicle was tense as no one was attempting to speak. The gangs' minds were all focused on where they currently driving to...the Winchester's old family home.

Earlier in the day, Sam and (RJ's y/n) explained their vision to Dean and (Slinky's y/n), of a woman trapped inside a burning house that looked just like the boys' old home from old photos. Sam and (RJ's y/n) had decided they wanted to check it out and immediately started getting ready to go. (Slinky's y/n) was on board with them while Dean wasn't so keen on going.

"I don't believe you want to go back home." Dean muttered, as he kicks his feet up on a desk and put his hands behind his head, watching the TV.

"Sam and I can't stop thinking about the house, alright? We got a bad feeling about this, we can't leave it like that, Dean." (RJ's y/n) said, as Sam opens his suitcase and begins digging through it.

"Forget it. I'm not going back." Dean growled. "Dean." Sam said, exasperated. "What's gotten into you two all of a sudden anyway?" Dean asked, flipping through the channels.

Sam looks at him and sighs. "We saw it Dean...clear as day." He said, thinking back on that horrible imagine of the woman screaming for help. "You're imagining things." Dean said, turning the TV off. "No we're not! I keep seeing a woman crying for help, this isn't the first time Dean. It happened after Jessica died." Sam said, frantically.

"Calm down, alright." Dean said, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat so he could look at Sam and (RJ's y/n) from upside down. "Well, they can't be just seeing things, Dean. I mean, h-how do you explain that they saw the same vision?" (Slinky's y/n) asked. "Thank you!" (RJ's y/n) said, annoyed. "I don't know! They've always been close friends. I mean, isn't that a thing?!" Dean yells.

"Or it could be something else." (RJ's y/n) suggested and Dean and (Slinky's y/n) look over at her. "So you're saying you two have psychic powers now?" Dean asked. "I don't know what's going on, Dean. But Sam and I just can't get it out of our minds." (RJ's y/n) said.

Sam then he leans over Dean getting up close to his face. "Come on, Dean. You have to listen to me this time!" He said, glaring into his brother's eyes, who glare back into his. Like they were having some kind of showdown battle with their eyes.

Back at the present time, the gang were still making their way to the house when Sam decided to speak up again. "Dean...about mom." Sam said, breaking the silence in the car. "I'm not talking about mom." Dean growled. "Why?" Sam asked. "Don't feel like it." Dean replied.

Sam looks over at Dean, who was glaring ahead as he drive the car. "Why don't you or dad tell me anything? You guys are always leaving me out of things. It just further proof that your dad's favorite." Sam said, and Dean continues staring at the road, not speaking.

"I wanted to play soccer but Dad takes the ball away and says, soccer's not for you, Sam. What you should be concentrating on is improving the bow and arrow." Sam said, and Dean glances over at him. "Don't take archery lightly." He said. Sam frowns at his brother and turns his gaze onto his window instead.

The girls glance at each other, the tension in the car growing thicker. "Maybe your dad's just trying to protect you." (Slinky's y/n) suggested, igniting a flame in Sam. "I don't need him to protect me!" He yelled.

(Slinky's y/n's) eyes widen and she looks down, wishing she had just kept her mouth shut. (RJ's y/n) looks over at her friend with a sympathetic look and turns to face Sam with an angry glare. "Hey, there's no reason for you to yell at her like that." She said.

"I wasn't..." Sam started to say as he looks back at the girls, once he sees how upset (Slinky's y/n) is he felt terrible for raising his voice. "(Slinky's y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." He said, apologetically.

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