Chapter 4: Ghost On The Highway

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The Impala was driving along the highway, Sam was munching on a flaky breakfast burrito as he checks online for possible cases or news about John's whereabouts on his laptop, that was sitting in his lap. (Slinky's y/n) and (RJ's y/n) sits in the backseat and (RJ's y/n) was looking though her laptop while (Slinky's y/n) was reading through a book.

"So we got a murder for insurance case and a car accident." Sam said, before taking a bite of his burrito, getting the flaky crumbs to drop onto his clothes, laptop, the seat, and the floor of the Impala. "I don't think we're looking at any hunter type incidents here, guys." Sam said, as he continues eating. Dean side eye him, seeing the mess he was making in the car.

"And no clues for John's whereabouts either." (RJ's y/n) said as she types away on her laptop. Sam sighs, annoyed. "I just wish we hear something about where he might be..." Sam said, going to take another bite when Dean suddenly reaches across and snatches the burrito right out of his hand.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked and both girls look up at the boys right as Dean throws the burrito out his window. "What the hell was that for?!" Sam yelled. "Dude you're getting crumbs all over the Impala." Dean replied. "You didn't have to throw my breakfast out the window." Sam argued. "C'mon, boys! It's too early to start this crap." (RJ's y/n) sighed.

"Tell him to stop eating like a damn dog and getting food all over the car!" Dean growls. "Fine! We'll go and get him a bib! Will that suffice?" (RJ's y/n) asked and (Slinky's y/n) snorts out a laugh in her hands. "Hey!" Sam exclaimed, indignantly.

Just then police sirens are then heard as a cop car begins pursuing them. "You in the Chevy! Pull over now!" The officer inside the vehicle commanded, on his mic. "What the hell is this?" Dean asked, looking up at the rearview mirror. "That's what you get for throwing food out the window." (Slinky's y/n) said and Dean groans as he starts to pull over like the officer wanted.

The gang were then ask to step out of their car by the officer and his partner. "Sorry officers, I'll go back and pick that up." Dean said. "Put your hands on the hood." The officer ordered and the gang did as he said. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." The officer said as his partner pats Sam down, checking for weapons, then he goes to the girls.

"Hey, hey, hey! Watch your hands, buddy!" (RJ's y/n) growls as the second cop finished patting her down then he goes to (Slinky's y/n), who looked very uncomfortable. "Hey, isn't this a bit much for littering?" Dean asked, turning around to look at the officer, only to be immediately handcuffed. Sam is handcuffed as well by the officer's partner and so where the girls. "This is unit 24, the two suspects are in custody. Over." The officer reported in as the gang are too stunned to speak.

The gang were taken down to the station, where Dean is seated in the interrogation room with the Police Chief, who takes a sip of his coffee before speaking. "My name's Rod, I'm the Police Chief. I need to know something. 36 residence of this town have been killed by a black Impala over the past 12 months." Rod explained.

On the table were several photos of different car accidents. "I need to know why you only target people from this town." Rod said. "This is ridiculous. This is the first time we've ever been in this town." Dean said.

Rod slams his coffee mug onto the table, silencing him. "Don't try to be a smart ass with me, kid! How many black chevy impala do you think are out there? The exact make and identical model?" Rod asked and Dean scoffs. "Yeah, but that doesn't prove anything." Dean said. "In this town it does." Rod said. "You got to be kidding me." Dean grumbled. "Put him in a cell." Rod said to the two officers that brought him in.

Dean is taken to the holding cells and thrown behind bars with Sam and the girls. "So did you guys talk to that police chief?" Dean asked, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. While Sam and (RJ's y/n) were sitting on the bed, eyeing the officers as they walk away from the cell, (Slinky's y/n) was on the floor in the corner of the cell, opposite of Dean. Her legs were pulled up to her and she laid her chin on top of her knees.

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