Chapter 14: Nightmare

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The Impala was speeding down a highway, making a sharp turn to get off in Saginaw. The car pulls up to a bar and screeched to a stop. “Here we are!” Sam said, looking out his window at the neon sign.

“You sure about that?” Dean asked. “It’s the same bar that was in my dream!” Sam said. "Mine too." (RJ's y/n) said and her and Sam opens their door, quickly jumping out. “Let’s go!” Sam said, both of them slamming their doors shut and running to the entrance. Dean and (Slinky’s y/n) get out and follow.
Sam and (RJ’s y/n) burst through the door open in a panic, then see the entire bar is full of drunk men, talking, laughing, and watching the TV. “What the hell is this?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked. “Oh yeah, there’s a hockey game on tonight, isn’t there?” Sam asked.

“How the hell are we supposed to find some guy we haven’t even met in a crowded bar?” Dean asked. “He’s about the same age as John, dark hair, with a mole on his face. Come on, let’s find him!” (RJ’s y/n) said as she runs further into the bar to begin looking, Sam following.

Dean sighs. “A mole?” He mutters and (Slinky’s y/n) shrugs and goes to follow after them. Dean was about to go look when he felt a presence behind him. He turns and sees a woman with a long, wavy blonde hair, holding a martini glass. “Hi, so are you a hockey fan too?” Dean asked, immediately forgetting why they’re even here. The woman laughs at his question. “I’ll take it you’re from out of town.” She said.

“Yeah, this is my first time in Saginaw.” Dean replied. “Well, I say that calls for a drink.” The woman said. “Sounds good to me.” Dean said, sneaking a look at her cleavage. 

“Dean, we found him! Over here.” Sam said, from across the bar. “Who’s that?” The woman asked. “He’s my little brother.” Dean replied. “He’s cute. But you are much more my type.” The woman said as Sam came running over.

“Dean, what the hell are you doing? Come on!” Sam said, grabbing his brother by his jacket and dragging him away from the woman. “Uh…see you later!” Dean said to the woman. “See you later.” The woman said, smiling as she watches them leave and takes a sip of her drink.

Sam drags Dean over to the girls as they walk up to the dark haired man. “Are you Jim Miller?” (RJ’s y/n) asked the man, who turns to look up at them, showing he did in fact have a mole on his face just like Sam and (RJ’s y/n) said.

“Yeah, what’s it to you?” Jim asked her. “Dean, he’s the guy in mine and (RJ’s y/n) dream.” Sam whispered. “Wh…are you serious?” Dean asked, looking at the man, stunned. “Mr. Miller, can we talk to you? It’s really important.” (RJ’s y/n) said to Jim.

The man stood up and turns away. “I got nothing to talk about.” He said, going around the corner towards the men’s bathroom. “Wait, Mr. Miller! Wait, this is important! Please sir!” Sam yelled and he and (RJ’s y/n) chase after him. But Jim enter the bathroom and lock the door behind him. “Mr. Miller? Get out of there, Mr. Miller! Please, open the door!” Sam yelled as he bangs on the door. “Sam, move it.” Dean said, coming up with a bar stool and rams the door with it.

Inside the bathroom, Jim was about to use the toilet when he saw something in the vent. Suddenly a strange dark goo started coming up from the toilet and pouring down onto the floor. “Wha…what is that?” Jim asked, stepping away from it. The goo then shoots up out of the toilet and sticks to the ceiling above his head. The goo grabs Jim and yanks him off his feet.

The gang manage to bust down the door and see Jim was lying head down in the toilet, dead. “Too late.” Sam said as they look at Jim’s corpse in horror.

Since they failed to save Jim from his swirly death, they go back in the Impala and drove away from the bar. “What’s the used of having premonitions if you can’t save people in time?” Sam asked, depressed. 
“Come on, Sam, are you sure someone killed that guy? The police said it looked like an accident so…” Dean said. “Yes, I’m sure!” Sam exclaimed, interrupting him and turning to face him.

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