Chapter 19: In My Time Of Dying

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The sun was shinning on a bright peaceful day. A little ladybug was crawling on a leaf until a three year old Dean, held out his finger and the tiny bug crawled onto it. “Mommy! Look at this!” Dean called out and Mary, who’s visibly pregnant looks up from the book she was reading on the porch.

Dean started running out of the garden and towards the porch. “Don’t run, honey.” Mary said, closing her book. Right at that moment, Dean trips and falls to the ground, causing the ladybug on his finger to fly away.

“Are you alright, sweetheart?” Mary asked, coming down to help him up. Dean looks up at his mother and wrap his arms around her, pressing her cheek against her baby bump. “I’m gonna be a big brother soon.” He said, smiling and Mary giggles.

“Yes, you are. And you’ll take good care of him.” Mary said and Dean hums in agreement. Mary turns her head and looks over at the driveway, where John was washing the Impala. “I’m so happy. I just hope this happiness last forever.” She said.

Dean watches his father for a moment then looks up at his mother, seeing her eyes were dark. “Huh?” He muttered, dropping his smile in confusion. Mary turns her head to look at him with a wicked smile and Dean screams as she transforms into a monster right before him.

Dean wakes from his dream, jumping up in bed and breathes heavily. “Damn that demon.” He muttered, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He looks around, seeing he was in a hospital room as a machine beeps every couple seconds.

Dean then notices a few figures coming up to his door and pulls it open, revealing Sam and (RJ's y/n), who all had some bandages on them. “Hey guys, you’re okay!” Dean said, relieved and gets out of bed to greet them. “That’s great. How’s Dad? Where's (Slinky’s y/n)? She okay?” He asked, walking up to them.

But Sam and (RJ’s y/n) walks right pass Dean, like they didn’t even know he was there. “Hey what’s the problem? Why aren’t you guys say anything?” Dean asked, watching them walk over to the bed and stares down at it. (RJ’s y/n) places her hands over her mouth and begins to shake, Sam looks over at her and places a hand on her shoulder.

Dean then sees something in his bed and comes close to see his own body on the bed, incubated. “Wha…what the hell is going on?” He asked, horrified.

Soon after, Sam stood in an empty hallway talking to the doctor. “I’m sorry. But the odds of your brother regaining consciousness is next to nothing.” The doctor said. “But it’s possible right, Doc??” Sam asked, in a panic. “Your brother is fighting. But…the longer it goes the slimmer the odds.” The doctor replied.

"And (Slinky’s y/n)? She okay?" Sam asked him. "Surprisingly, she's actually stable. Just waiting for her to wake up now." The doctor said and Sam felt a bit relieved about this.

In (Slinky’s y/n)'s room, she was laying in bed and (RJ’s y/n) was sitting in a chair next to her bed. She had her head bowed and her hands clasped together, in a praying position. "I know I'm not the praying type but, if there is anything out there or (Slinky’s y/n), if you can hear me, please come back. (Slinky’s y/n), you and two didn't deserve this. I just feel...I feel so responsible for what happened. That bastard attacked you two just to get to me and Sam and..." she stops and she takes in a deep breath as she felt herself starting to cry.

“And now you’re both like this and I can’t do anything to help you. Nothing at all.” She said, biting her lip as the tears spill out of her eyes and down her cheeks. “Nothing but just ask that you wake up. It’s not your time to go, (Slinky’s y/n). You’re my little sister and I’m not ready to let you go. Not yet...and not ever.” She sobs.

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