Chapter 24: Simon Said

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Dean was lying on the front seat of the Impala, blasting music. (RJ's y/n) was leaning against the front driver side of the Impala, her arms cross over her chest as she taps her foot to the beat.

Sam was across the street, holding a donut box. He looks both ways before he crosses, walking over to them. "Hey Sam." (RJ's y/n) greeted and Sam looks around, noticing someone was missing. "Where's (Slinky's y/n)?" He asked.

(RJ's y/n) points towards the small arcade a few cars down. "Ah." Sam said, nodding. "You mind getting her, so we can hit the road?" Dean asked, from inside the car. "Yeah, sure." Sam replied, handing (RJ's y/n) the box of donuts and walking off.

(RJ's y/n) opens the box, smelling the delicious donuts inside as Eye of The Tiger begins to play. Every time the drum beat comes on, Dean's hands would come up to to do air drums with the beat. The drums stops as the music continues.

Rising up, back on the street

Dean rises up in his seat as he lip-syncs this line and (RJ's y/n) shakes her head, setting the box aside to face-palm at this as he continues.

Did my time, took my chances

He pulls his upper body through the window then sits on the windowsill of the car door, still lip-syncing

Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet

Just a man and his will to survive

He bobs his head and does a bit of a dance while (RJ's y/n) rubs her hand down to cover her mouth the looks up at Dean as he points upward and moves his arm across the air, like he was pointing at everyone in sight.

Then he goes and scratches his left arm, making (RJ's y/n) laugh as he continues his lip-syncing.

So many times it happens too fast

You change your passion for glory

He taps at his chest and at the word glory then points upward and gets up on the roof of the Impala, sitting on the top of it. Then (RJ's y/n) removes her hand off of her face and goes to sit on the hood of the car.

Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past

You must fight just to keep them alive

Dean pops his collar off his outer shirt as he bobs his head to the beat and lip-syncs along. (RJ's y/n) then pulls her legs up and pulls them close to her chest as she watches him.

Meanwhile as all of this was going on, Sam enters the arcade and looks around. He soon spotted (Slinky's y/n) because she was the only woman in the building. She was sitting in a seat that resembles the kind in cars, playing Crazy Taxi and turning the wheel like she's never driven before.

Day after day your home life's a wreck
The powers that be just breathe down your neck
You get no respect
You get no relief
You gotta speak up
And yell out your piece

She sings along to the theme song as she plays, doing a little dance in her seat. Sam looks at her in complete adoration, his cheeks turning red.

He snaps out his awestruck state when he notices a few guys watching (Slinky's y/n). Some trying to psych their friends up to go talk to her. Knowing she wouldn't want to be disturb, especially by strangers, Sam walk over to her.

(Slinky's y/n) was too engrossed by her game to even notice the tall man next her, placing his arm on the top of her seat. Sam shoots a look over his shoulder at the men, scaring them off and they all go back to their own games.

So back off your rules
Back off your jive
Cause I'm sick of not living to stay alive
Leave me alone
Not asking a lot
I don't wanna to be controlled

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