Chapter 38: All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1

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The Impala was parked in the middle of nowhere, Dean was sitting on the roof eating a burger and (Slinky's y/n) was on the hood eating chicken nuggets. Dean chews for a bit then frowns and looks at his burger. "Uh, Sam? Onions! There's no onions in mine!" He complained.

Sam sat in the passenger seat, eating his own burger and using his laptop, and (RJ's y/n) was in the backseat eating her fries. "Yeah? So what?" Sam asked, unbothered. "Didn't I say with onions?" Dean asked, annoyed. "Should've gotten it yourself then." Sam calls out. "Well, at least, I don't get to put up with his onion breath." (RJ's y/n) grumbles and Sam snorts as he's about to take a bite of his burger, but paused when he noticed something on his laptop. "Would you look at that. All traces of the demon stopped a month ago." He said.

"A man should be able to have onions on his burger if he wants!" Dean whined. "Not my problem." Sam said. "Ugh! Being an obnoxious little brother sometimes, you know that?" Dean told him. "Yeah, well, sorry about that." Sam said, absentmindedly, and (Slinky's y/n) shakes her head as she continues attacking the chicken nuggets.

There's a brief moment of silence that was broken by Sam and (RJ's y/n) gasping. "Guys." They said, quietly at first. "Guys!" They said again, more panicking. "What? What's the matter?" (Slinky's y/n) asked as she looks over.

Inside the car, Sam's and (RJ's y/n)'s hand was beginning to disappear as black smoke surrounds it. "Guys! Guys!" Sam and (RJ's y/n) called out, more fearfully now. "What's your problem? What you got too many onions on yours?" Dean asked, about to continue eating when the car shakes followed by a booming sound.

"Sam? (RJ's y/n)?" Dean called out, getting no response. "Dean, they're gone!" (Slinky's y/n) shouts as she jumps off of the hood and Dean jumps off the roof of the car and looks inside, seeing the passenger seat and the backseat now had a giant hole in it, like it was melted open by something really hot. All that remained of Sam was his laptop which was now melted in half and laying in the bottom of the hole and the burnt fries where (RJ's y/n) resided.

Dean and (Slinky's y/n) stare at the holes in shock, sweat running down their face. They took out their guns and points it around, looking for signs of some kind of danger but there was no one else around but him. "Sammy? (RJ's y/n)? Sam! (RJ's y/n)! Sam! (RJ's y/n)! SAMMY! (RJ'S Y/N)!" The two shouted, fearfully.

That night, the Impala was now parked in Bobby's scrapyard while Dean and (Slinky's y/n) were inside talking to Bobby. "The Yellow-Eyed Demon." Dean muttered. "Yup, most likely. He's obviously up to something, I just wish I knew what it was." Bobby said, thinking.

(Slinky's y/n) turns and starts heading towards the door. "(Slinky's y/n)." Bobby called out to her. "Let's get going, boys." (Slinky's y/n) growled and Dean nods. "Right behind you." He said as he follows her. "Calm down, you two." Bobby said, standing up from his desk. "Don't tell us to calm down!" Dean said, angrily, as he turns back to him and (Slinky's y/n) stops in her tracks, her hands shaking.

"Look, I know how you two feel. But we can't just run out there without some kind of plan. First thing we have to do is find out where Sam and (RJ's y/n) are. We can't do anything until we at least know that." Bobby said and Dean and (Slinky's y/n) frowns, wanting to argue but they saw the old man's point.

Dean then hums when he feels his phone ringing in his pocket and he took it out, seeing the caller ID said: Missouri Moseley while (Slinky's y/n) wraps her arms around herself. "So, Sam and (RJ's y/n) are gone just as I thought." Missouri said when Dean answers her. "How did you know?" Dean asked.

"I saw it and I was thinking about you kids when I saw the vision. A horrible sight appeared before me." Missouri explains. "What was it exactly?" Dean asked. "It was the end of the world." Missouri replied and Dean gasps.

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