Chapter 2: Roadkill

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The Impala was driving down a long dark road, the night sky was cloudy with the moon trying to peer through every now and then. "I don't know, I got a bad feeling." Sam said, closing John's journal, while (Slinky's y/n) and (RJ's y/n) sat in the backseat. A few days ago, the gang decided that for them to work together they would have to ride together.

And since (RJ's y/n)'s motorcycle could only hold two people, the Impala was the easiest choice to be the transportation. So (RJ's y/n) lead them to one of the safehouses her father had bought and put the bike near there. They also decided to crash there for a few days before they headed off on their adventure.

"You're saying this now? We have fourteen victims already, what do you suggest we do?" (RJ's y/n) asked to Sam as she sits up and leans in close to Sam. She was sitting right behind Sam while (Slinky's y/n) was sitting behind Dean as she still felt nervous being close to Sam.

"Sam, we can't just give up." (Slinky's y/n) said, softly. "You don't think I feel like packing it in sometimes. Well, I do but we have a job to do, Sammy." Dean said, angrily. "Stop it with that, alright!" Sam exclaimed, throwing a bag of salt at his leg.

"So you figure out where dad is yet?" Sam asked Dean. "No, I tried his cell but I keep getting his machine." Dean replied, taking his eyes off the road for a second to pick up the bag of salt that was thrown at him.

Right at that moment, a woman runs out in the middle of the road. "Dean!" Sam and (RJ's y/n) yelled, in unison, and Dean stomps on the breaks as he swerves the car to avoid hitting the woman. The gang fell back in their seats, breathing heavily, as they stare at the woman. "You girls okay?" Sam asked as he looks over in the backseat. "Peachy." (RJ's y/n) said, sarcastically, while (Slinky's y/n) nods.

The woman stares back at them and quickly runs over to the passenger side. "Help me, please! You have to help me! It's my husband! Please you have to help us!" The woman cried, as she looks at them in a panic.

The gang all share a look with each other. "What do you guys think?" Sam asked. "Uh-huh." Dean said, nodding. "It's gotta be her." (Slinky's y/n) said and (RJ's y/n) nods as well.

Getting out of the Impala, the gang follow the woman, known as Molly McNamara, into the woods to a pylon tower. "I-I don't understand. The cars...gone. But it was right here. It was all smashed up." Molly said, gesturing to a corner of the pylon that didn't have anything around it but snow.

Sam glances to the others. "Guys." He muttered. "Right." Dean said, and he and (RJ's y/n) walk closer to the tower. "I'm telling you, I'm not crazy! It was right here!" Molly said, frantically. "Don't worry, we believe you." (Slinky's y/n) assured her and Molly looks at her surprise.

"Why don't you just tell us what happened. Did you see anything strange or out of the ordinary? Tell us, what did you see?" Sam asked, walking closer to her. "A man. I was looking for David and I came across this old house in the woods. I'm not sure, but he didn't look human." Molly explained, as Dean and (RJ's y/n) check the corner of the tower she was pointing towards, that does show signs of damage.

"Find anything?" Sam asked them. "Got a smudge here. Pretty fresh too." (RJ's y/n) replied and Molly turns her head to look at them.

They then follow Molly to the abandon house she saw, and begin searching there. "Greely?" Molly said. "Yeah, Jonah Greely. That was the ghost of a man who was killed out on Route 41, fifteen years ago. Greeley's soul is consumed with vengeance against the person who killed him. So he waits for his opportunity and then he attacks whoever is traveling that road, hoping to get his revenge." Sam explained.

"But if he's a ghost, what could you possibly do?" Molly asked. Dean and (Slinky's y/n) walks into another room, shining their flashlights around, when they notice something. Looking up, they saw a rope that's attached to a door in the ceiling, leading to the attic.

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