Chapter 18: Devil's Trap

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A little girl wearing a white dress was being chased by something. She wore no shoes or even socks and her feet splashed in the puddles she ran through. She runs passed a sign that said Salvation on it. The little girl looks back over her shoulder as she runs, seeing the Yellow-Eyed Demon was pursuing her.

Sam and (RJ’s y/n) gasp as they open their eyes, coming back to reality. They found themselves sitting in the back of John’s truck, (Slinky’s y/n) who was watching over them was relieved to see them coming out of their vision while Dean and John were looking at a map over by the Impala.

”Are you two okay?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked her friends. “I saw it.” Sam announced and the rest of the Winchesters turn around to look at them. “Me too. It’s called Salvation." (RJ’s y/n) said. "That’s where the Yellow-Eyed Demon will appear.” Sam revealed and the others gasp.

Later, the Impala was roaring down a dark road at night. Dean was driving with Sam sitting right next to him while John was in the backseat loading the Colt with the girls next to him. “I want you kids to understand something. The demon we’re after, the yellow-eyed one, he’s not like the others.” John said. “Isn’t it the same one that killed Mom, Mary and Jessica?” (RJ’s y/n) asked.

“Yeah it is. The only thing that can bring that demon down is this Colt and we’ve only got three bullets left that can do the job. That means we can’t miss. The Colt is only to be used against the Yellow-Eyed Demon. Only him. You got that, kids?” John asked and the gang nodded.

“We gotta get him this time. We got to.” John said, looking at the Colt. Sam was brooding at the road when he sees something up ahead. It was the Salvation sign right out of his and (RJ’s y/n)'s premonitions

“That was the sign I saw!” Sam exclaimed and he and (RJ’s y/n) turn back to look at the sign as they drive pass it. “Dean, watch it! Look out!” John yelled and Dean stomps on the break. The Impala screeches to a stop, it’s headlights illuminating a woman lying on the road a couple feet away. But it wasn’t just any ordinary woman…it was Meg.

“This however was not in my dream.” Sam said. "Same here." (RJ’s y/n) said, skeptically. “Do you think she’s dead?” Dean asked while John remained silent. “I’m gonna go check.” Dean said, reaching for his door handle. “Dean.” John said, stopping him.

“Take this.” John said, holding the Colt out to him. “You sure Dad?” Dean asked. “Go on, take it.” John said and Dean stares at his father for a moment before he complies and takes the gun. “Now listen, the Colt will kill the Yellow-Eyed Demon as well as the person he’s possessed. No matter who the possessed person is, you gotta do it. Don’t hesitate. Once he shows up, you pull that trigger, no matter what. Are you gonna be able to do that?” John asked them.

“Yeah.” Sam said, nodding. “Of course." Dean said. "John, what are you gonna do?” (RJ’s y/n) asked but John exits the Impala without another word and walks over to Meg. “Get up. Where’s the Yellow-Eyed Demon?” John asked but Meg remains motionless.

“I said where’s the Yellow-Eyed Demon?” John asked again and Meg open her black demon eyes, casting some kind of strong wind spell. John held up his arm to shield himself until he was sent flying backwards into a tree, being pinned above the ground.

“NO DAD!” Dean shouted and he jumps out of the Impala, pointing the Colt at Meg. “STOP!” He shouted and Meg ends her wind spell and gets up, grinning at Dean psychotically. “Don’t do it, it wasn’t meant for her! Get out of here!” John yelled at Dean as more demon came out of the forest, moving almost zombie like.

“Damnit, I can make this shot!” Dean growled, keeping the Colt pointed at Meg. “It’s not the Yellow-Eyed Demon, don’t do it!” John shouted and the demon starts running towards the gang. Sam grabs Dean by the back of his collar and pulls him back into the Impala while the girls remained in the backseat of the car.

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