Chapter 9: Everlasting Love

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“A serial killing spree?” Dean asked, looking over at Sam as they drive on a highway, making their way to Chicago. “Yeah, four people killed in the last six months. All young women, between the ages of 20 and 22.” Sam explained and (Slinky’s y/n) goes white in the face. "Oh, joy. (Slinky’s y/n) and I feel safe." (RJ’s y/n) said, sarcastically.

"Well, don't worry, princess. Sam and I will protect you two." Dean said and (RJ’s y/n) rolls her eyes. "My heroes." She said, imitating joy, and (Slinky’s y/n) giggles at this. "Anyway, what’s the deal? Why are you so interesting in this case, Sam?” (RJ’s y/n) asked. “The bodies. A internal organ was taken out of every body after the murder.” Sam said. “So let me guess, you’re thinking that their organs might’ve been used for some sort of satanic ritual?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked.

“Yeah. We can think of this as one of the signs. We gotta put an end to this, guys, so no one else has to suffer like mom or (m/nor Jess did.” Sam said. “Alright, little bro. But Sam…” Dean said and his brother looked over at him. “Don’t get too into it, you hear me? You gotta play it cool alright.” Dean said and Sam nodded.

Making it to Chicago, the gang's first stop was the police station where they spoke with the chief. “Do you have a suspect?” Sam asked the Chief. “What suspect? If I had one don’t you think I’d have the perpetrator in custody? Why are federal agents getting involved all of a sudden?” The Chief asked.

“So you’re saying you have no leads.” (RJ’s y/n) said, getting a bit annoyed with the Chief's attitude. “Not a damn thing!” The Chief said, slamming his hands down on his desk and the gang exchange a look. “Yeah, but according to their reports we saw there was suspicious fingerprints found at the murder scene, where Nancy Logan was killed.” (Slinky’s y/n) points out.

“They’re not relevant.” The Chief said, falling back into his chair. “But why?” Sam asked. “Because we haven’t found any permanent information leading to any living person. Thanks for coming, but it looks like your trip was a waste.” The Chief said.

The gang leaves the station and got back in the Impala where Sam and (RJ’s y/n) took out their laptops, while Dean and (Slinky’s y/n) look through the reports of the victims. “Looks like a dead end. There is no premier connections among the four victims. Ugh, what the hell is going on?” Dean asked, scratching his head.

“Hey, guys. I think I might’ve found something.” (RJ’s y/n) said, looking at something on her laptop. “What?” the boys and (Slinky’s y/n) asked, gathering around her to look at her laptop. On the screen there was a list of six young, beautiful women, who were all murdered.

“Serial killings of young women in Boston fifteen years ago? Yeah, that might be something.” Sam said. “And listen to this. Similar killings of young women have been happening in various locations every fifteen years since the 1960’s. Atlanta, New Orleans, Seattle. On top of that six women were murder in every single case.” (RJ’s y/n) explained, showing a list of the other victims.

“So, you think it’s possible that the same person is responsible for the most recent killings as well?” (Slinky’s y/n) asked. “Well, it seems to be the only thing we got to go on so far, don’t you think?” (RJ’s y/n) replied.
“Four women have been killed so far and according to the pattern there’s gonna be another two more.” Dean said, leaning back in his seat with his hands behind his head. “Yeah.” (RJ’s y/n) mutters as her and (Slinky’s y/n) share a look of worry.

“But how come it’s every fifteen years?” Dean asked and the girls shrug. “I don’t know. But if a demon has anything at all to do with this case, those women might’ve been victimize for a certain purpose. We gotta stop this before two more women are killed.” Sam said. "Or we become the victims." (RJ’s y/n) grumbles as she gestures between her and (Slinky’s y/n). "We won't let that happen." Sam tells the girls. "Yeah, like I said, we'll protect you girls." Dean said and the girls give the boys a small smile and (Slinky’s y/n)'s face turns red.

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