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A/n: why did I make this? I don't know.

















Friday, 7am.

A sound of a locker opening could be heard, a small yawn escaping a boys lips, he stared inside his locker tilting his head slightly as a envelope slipped out of the locker falling onto the ground, he kneeled down and picked it up staring at all the other envelopes in his locker.

"Oo~ more letters?" A male voice asked him peering into his locker.

The male who received all the letters slammed the locker closed.

"Unfortunately so." He groaned softly staring at his friend.

"You aren't going to read em?" He asked him.

"Not worth it." He shrugged grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Damn dude, just going to break all those girls hearts like that?" His friend teased.

"They don't even say who they're from? What's the point?" He groaned softly, getting annoyed from his friend pestering him.

"Just read one!" He said with a grin.

The boy stared at his friend irritated, he sighed softly and turned back to his locker opening it back up and taking one of the letters out and opening it up pulling the paper out. He began slowly reading it before confusion washed over his face.

"We?" He mumbled out.

"What was that?" His friend asked.

He shook his head slightly, as of dismissing what he had said.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He said before stuffing the letter back in his locker and locking it again.

"Oh come dude, atleast tell me what it said!!" His friend begged.

"Bro, no it was weird." He sighed and began walking away, before questioning something, he dismissed it though.

"Well are you atleast going to get a girlfriend by the end of this year?? We finish middle school this year you know!" His friend reminded him.

"Not, interested." He groaned softly annoyed.

"Damn...I wonder how you rizz so much girls up...you're so heartless." His friend sighed dramatically.

The male rolled his eyes before looking away.

"3 quarters of the letters are from guys though..."




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