Chapter 1: Senior Year

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*Y/n's POV*

Senior year was finally here. I never thought this day would have came. I transferred here to The Academy my freshman year. My parents passed away in a car crash and I unfortunately had no other family I was close to. My parents left my guardianship to our maid, Hazel. She was there ever since I was born and was the only close person I had since she practically raised me. My parents had top secret clearance jobs which was never really disclosed to me. Fortunately, a fortune was left. We lived in an estate and it was mainly just me, Hazel, and the other maids & butlers. Hazel has been like a mother to me ever since the accident. She never spoke about my parents job though. I occupied myself with school and sports for the majority of the time. My best friends were Natasha, Steve, Carol, and Tony. We were all head of the sports team at the Academy. This was our year. Senior year.

"Are you ready for your first last day?"

"Of course Hazel." I was freaking out because I couldn't find my paper with all of my classes. I look up to see Hazel holding a piece of paper smirking at me. "Looking for this?"

"Oh my gosh. Thank you you're a lifesaver." She laughs at me. "You be good on your first day. It's your last year, I don't need you getting in trouble like all of the years before."

I chuckle cause I know I was never a golden child. "No promises Hazel. I love you. Have a good day." I hop into my car to drive to school. As I pulled up into a parking spot I see all of my friends standing in the parking lot. As soon as I step out someone's arm wraps around my neck attacking me.

"There's my favorite person." They say excitedly.

"Ha ha. Very funny Carol." I say sarcastically.

"Y/n how was your summer?" Steve walked up with his arms around Natasha. They've been dating since sophomore year. He was the head of the football team and she was the head of the cheerleaders so it made perfect sense for them to be together.

"I uh kept myself busy."

"Don't tell me it involved a girl now." Natasha said to me teasingly as she gave me a hug. "No. You know me. I don't date."

"Believe us we know. Yelena has been talking non stop about how she has a big crush on you."

"Nat I can't date your little sister. That'll just be weird. She's cute and all but I don't want a relationship and that's not fair to her."

"Anyways, captain of the soccer team, tryouts are today." Carol tried changing the subject.

"And what makes you think I'm going to be captain this year?" I laugh as we all begin to walk in.

"You were co captain last year. It always goes to a senior for captain. Coach practically said you were getting it last year. I'll see you later at practice okay?" Carol said as she already started walking away.

"I gotta go see the principal guys. They asked for me to see them during orientation. I'll catch up with you guys later." I begin to walk to the principal's office. He probably wants to talk to me about moving on in life without my parents and such bullshit. Sometimes I felt like the faculty took self pity on me since I lost my parents. I didn't necessarily enjoyed it, but it did get me out of some situations in the past when I first got here.

"Hey Mrs. Harkness. I hope you had a lovely summer." She always had a peppy attitude towards the students. We loved her working up in the front.

"Y/n! Welcome back. Mr. Xavier is in his office for you." She said smiling at me, "thank you!"

I walk into his office and sit down.

"Ah yes. Y/n. I hope you and Hazel are doing well. I just wanted to check up on you. I know you had a tragic loss and this is your last year so it can be a bit more to digest in, but you have no worries..." I begin to zone off as if this couldn't be a topic that could be let go years ago. I had Hazel and that's the least I could ask for. I couldn't control what had happened already and as I begin to zone out my principal's words I begin to glance around. I peak through the blinds and see two new students talking to Mrs. Harkness. I tried to get a better look as I adjust myself in the seat but only saw bits of them. Just then my curiosity is interrupted,

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