Chapter 18: Caught in Paradise

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*Wanda's POV*

I stepped out of the front office as I had transferred out of the class without ratting that perv of a teacher. I walked by the gym and saw someone out on the field by themself. I squinted my eyes and realized that it was Y/n. I smile to myself as I saw her doing some drills for the upcoming game. Y/n had a free 3rd period but I never really knew where she went. I make my way over to the field until I'm stopped by someone.

"Ms. Maximoff..."

I push past him and hit his shoulders ignoring him. He lets out a soft scoff and I continue walking away.

"That's not very polite..." I get annoyed and continue to ignore until I feel his hands on my arm causing me to stop to turn to face him.

"What do you want Jarvis?" I say staring him down with my head tilted a bit.

"Oh, um...I just wanted to apologize. For that night at my family's party."

"That was weeks ago and you are now just apologizing?" I turn back around to make my way towards Y/n. He runs to catch up to me and stops me from walking any further.

"Miss Maximoff please. I am trying to apologize. My actions have no excuses for how I acted." I look at him with a confused look. I begin to walk past him again, and say to him,

"Apology acknowledged, not forgiven." After the last remark he didn't bother to come after me again. I let out a sigh of relief when I looked back and realized he was walking the other direction. Did he actually just genuinely apologize to me? It was the weirdest thought that Jarvis Vision would actually admit to his fault.

"Hey Captain..." I said to Y/n as she looked up taking her headphones out.

"Hey're gonna be late for your class." She walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smile back at her, but the thought of Jarvis was still in my mind and I knew she could tell something was off.

She chuckled lightly and looked at me, "you okay?"

I snap back to reality and nod my head biting my lips towards her. Do I tell her about my interaction with Jarvis or do I just let it go?

I set my backpack by my feet and start to kick a ball onto the field. I laugh running towards the ball and turn to Y/n, "come on captain. Show me how it's done." She laughs and jogs lightly passing me. Y/n was jogging backwards now looking at my footing. I obviously had no idea what I was doing. I pass the ball to her and she stops it with her foot along with any movements.

"Are you gonna try to take it from me Maximoff?" She smirked.

"I might just try." I walk up slowly to her and cup her face and pull her in for a kiss. Before our lips touch, I kick the ball to the side of her and run towards it laughing.

"Oh.." she said while laughing and came after me. She catches up to me and grabs my waist to lift me off the ground and spin me in circles. Y/n really knew how to make me feel comfortable in situations I wasn't. She knew I wasn't into sports at all and yet she would still take this time to mess around with me with how serious she took soccer.

"Woah Woah Woah. This is a closed practice!" I look over to see who was yelling at us. I chuckle a bit after realizing it was only Carol who was jogging towards us. "I'm just kitten." She said as she leaned in to give me a side hug.

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