Chapter 9: Be a Good Girl

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*Y/N's POV*

I couldn't believe myself right now. I didn't want to push things with Wanda but here I was on top of her kissing her. I knew deep down I wasn't ready and I didn't want this to be a one time thing. But I couldn't help myself. I've been wanting this with Wanda from the start.

I move my hands down under her shirt kissing all over neck and collar bones. She softly moans in between our kisses and I grab her waist. I place my thigh in between her legs and adjust it so she feels just the right amount of pressure. She moans again and slightly starts to grind against my thigh. I could already feel how wet she was. She was dripping already and that turned me on.

I move back upwards and kiss her on the lips and pull back and whisper to her, "are you okay?" She wraps her hand behind my neck and nods. She swallows hard and looks down at our legs.

"It feels good..." I laugh at her comment. "Have you ever done this before?" She shakes her head embarrassingly. "Not with a girl...well I don't know. There was this guy back in Sokovia but I didn't let him..." I shush her and kiss her. "It's okay. Just let me know if you're uncomfortable?" She nods again and pulls me back in to kiss her. I intertwine one of our hands together and put it above her head and move my kisses down. I can feel her pulse racing as I kiss her neck. She softly moaned as I begin going lower. I didn't break eye contact with her. I watched her face as I can tell how good she was feeling.

I was down near her waist and slightly raised her shirt up and begin kissing all over her stomach. My hands travel upwards and start to massage her breasts a bit.

"Oh, that feels good Y/n." She whispers to me and then pulls her shirt over her head. I sit up a bit and admire the view looking down. She smiles shyly at me.

"Do you like what you see?" I lean back down to kiss her, "you're so fucking beautiful Wanda." I make her arch her back a bit and un clip her bra and she tosses it on my bedroom floor. I go straight down to kissing her breasts and she lets out a moan covering her mouth. I smile that she wanted to stay quiet but I grab her wrist and pin her hand to the side. I kiss her neck again and nibble on her ear before whispering to her.

"I want to hear you Wanda. I want to hear how good I can make you feel." Right after I whispered that she moaned even louder. Our lips crash against one another again and I unbutton her pants. I slide my hand down feeling how wet she was already.

"Ooo. Someone's a little excited" she giggles at my comment, "you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to touch me like this Y/n."

I move her panties to the side so I could feel how wet she really was. I start rubbing circles around her and she gasps. "Fuck y/n." She starts scratching my back and moaning into my ears burying her face into my shoulder.

I look down on her face as her eyes were shut with her mouth slightly opened in pleasure. I bury my face against her neck and start sucking on her pulse point. "You're so fucking wet baby."
I start to rub faster and she starts grinding on my fingers. I take my hand out and pull her pants off and throw it to the side. I slide my hands under her thighs and pull her to the side of my bed. I walk over and grab a pillow for her head to make sure was comfortable. I grab a smaller one to put it under her hip.

"Lift up angel." She immediately obeys and I place it under her. "I can't wait to make you feel so fucking good baby girl." I get on my knees and spread both of her legs. Wanda places one of her hands on my head and grips onto my hair. I start by kissing her inner thighs to let her breathe a little. I never broke eye contact with her cause she looked so beautiful in pleasure. I slide her panties off and she helps by using her legs. I slowly make my way closer to her inner lips and lick them teasing her. Wanda's body flinches after each lick. "Please Y/n..." she begged. I look up to her and smile. I take one of my hands and massage her breast as I begin to lick her. Her body begins to arch and she starts grinding against my face.

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