Chapter 40: The Breakup

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*Wanda's POV*

My brother and I charge into the emergency room as we find the group waiting patiently. The group looks at me but no one says anything. My brother walks pass me and heads over to them. I follow close behind him cause I could imagine none of them wanted me here right now.

"How is she?" My brother asked sitting next to Steve.

"Pretty sure it's just some fractured ribs. But plenty of rest should do her some good." Steve answered him giving him a slight smile. I sit down next to my brother as it seemed that I was uninvited by the girls. We all look over as someone says hey to the group. Diana and Jean walk in sitting across from me with the girls.

"Have they seen her already?" Diana asked.

"They took her to the back for some X-rays." Steve said. I'm looking down fidgeting with my rings and bouncing my leg. My glance never went to any of them when I can feel some glances look over to me here and there.

"Rogers." Steve stands up immediately.

"Dr. Palmer. How is she?"

"Some cracked ribs. She needs to stay home and heel. That's the only thing that's going to help it. Does she have anyone to take her home?"

I stand up when I hear the doctor come out and ask if anyone could take her home. I wanted to blurt out that I would but I was hesitant. Steve looked around at all of us.

"We'll make sure she gets home." Steve said reassuring her.

"Room 14. If you guys wanna go in. We did give her a shot of medicine so if she's a bit drowsy that's why and I'll give you the prescription papers in a bit." Steve nudged for everyone to follow him.

Steve lightly knocks on the edge of the door.

"Hey Y/n..." he said with a sassy tone. She scoffs and shakes her head to sit up a bit.

"Woah. Hey. Don't push yourself okay?" Diana said going to go sit by her. I was so upset because I wanted to be the one sitting next to her and comforting her. I had no right to be jealous of Diana right now but here I was with envy raging through my bloodstream.

"How are you feeling love bug?" Carol said sitting on the other side of her.

"I feel...high. I don't know what they gave me." She chuckles which makes everyone else laugh. She locks eyes with me and my stomach drops as if I was on a rollercoaster. She gives me a shy smile and looks around to everyone.

"Could you guys give us moment?" Everyone slowly makes their way out and here I was just fidgeting with my rings cause I was so nervous. Y/n looks in my direction and pats the edge of the hospital bed to come sit next to her.

I shake my head, "Y/n...I'm..." No words were coming out of my mouth.

She quickly interrupts, "why did you do it?" She asked not looking at me messing with the edge of the blanket.

"I didn't mean it." I said quickly sitting down next to her holding her hand. She quickly pulls away and I don't blame her but my heart was aching so bad. She seemed as if she was willing to hear me out but this was all I could ask for at least.

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