Chapter 15: Meet & Greet

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*Y/N's POV*

I woke up to Wanda sound asleep still. Sometimes I wished I could sleep in with her but something in my brain just tells me to get up and do something. I snuck out quietly to go for a run.

Running had always been therapeutic for me. I loved listening to music and being lost in the world. I could run for hours if I really wanted to. I walked the last block as I looked outside to see two figures sitting on the front porch. My headphones come out of my ears and my realization snaps back to reality of Wanda wanting to meet her parents tonight at the Vision's party. I begin to walk towards the porch and see both set of eyes turn to me.

"How was your run sweetheart?" Hazel had asked me. I was panting with sweat dripping down my face.

"Umm...delightful." I sit down at one of the open chairs to join them sipping on the water bottle I had left outside before leaving.

"Y/n...I got a text earlier from my parents. They're going to the Vision's business party. I don't want to pressure you into going..."

"Oh perfect. I haven't been able to drag Y/n out to one of those get togethers in so long." Hazel interrupted Wanda.

" thanks."

"Y/n you've made me go to those by myself after all these years." Hazel defended herself.

I lean forward in my chair and smile at Hazel,
"There is a very good reason why I don't go to those things..."

"I understand honey. But you are going to become of age. The business will be transferred over to you to run it." Hazel interrupted me.

I knew deep down she had a point. Hiding from the company was not a good image. I do want to continue it for my parents and I've done the complete opposite. I've let Hazel run it for the time being. My family worked their way to owning one of the biggest Hedge Fund company around the world. My parents traveled all the time and I barely grew up with them. We had many investors from all over the world in different businesses and it was a lot to oversee. Although the company had many workers, it was a lot to be the face of it.

"Y/n we don't have to go..." Wanda broke the silence between us three.

My thoughts were running through my head. I gave Wanda the warning and now knowing her parents were going to one of the biggest parties in town was a bit concerning to me.

"It's fine. We can go. Plus, I do owe that to Hazel after all these years. And I think you did want me to meet your parents tonight." I said while standing up ready to go inside to shower. I heard Wanda and Hazel continue their conversation as I walked in. I was dreading the thought of going tonight, but I was sure all my friend's would be there too with their parents. This was probably a political stunt they were pulling since Jarvis' dad was running for Mayor.

I went back in my room and found a long black dress with a thigh slit. Wearing black to this occasion wouldn't be a bad idea. I laid the dress onto my bed as I turned the water on to shower. I was humming to myself while I got other clothes to wear to get ready in.

"Boo." I turned to see Wanda trying to grab my sides to scare me.

I chuckle at her, "Um hello..."

"How did  you not get scared?"

I chuckled at her frustration. "I'm not easy to scare. Ask Yelena and Kate. They've been trying for years now." I looked over and saw Wanda sitting on the edge of my bed admiring the dress that was laid out. Her fingers traced along the edges from top to bottom.

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