Chapter 3: After Tryouts

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*Wanda's POV*

I met up with Yelena as we began walking up the bleachers. We talked about how different Sokovia was from the States. Just as we find a spot I see someone running from the locker room to the field. They had the field divided for the sports tryouts. Y/n was warming up on the sideline until I saw Jarvis walking up to her. He stopped right by her and spotted me from the bleachers and waved so it was obvious Y/n could see it. I slightly raise my hand to wave back.

"Ugh ew." Yelena said. Y/n turned and saw that he was waving to me at the bleachers and she just turned back around not acknowledging it. Jarvis leaned in and said something to her. She had no response and just made her way to the field. "Stay away from that guy. He's nothing but drama."

"I was trying to wave at Y/n..." Yelena laughed. "He's not going to think that. He has this thing for Y/n. Like a competitiveness. Y/n's family had money too so I don't know if it's some sort of pride thing or what not."


"Oh Y/n's parents died in a car crash in freshmen year. As far as it is now, she lives with their maid who has custody over her and I think she handles the money and the company now."

I look back onto the field as I see Y/n doing some drills. She was really good on the field. I look over to the other side and see that my brother is trying out for football with Steve. Steve was the quarterback and I saw he was passing all the throws to my brother. Down below us Natasha was running up the cheerleaders for tryouts with a routine they had to do. Jean was down there with Natasha. Kate was furthest from our view for archery but Yelena already knew she was going to do great.

*Y/N's POV*

I can feel Jarvis stepping up right beside me and stopping. I look back and see him waving to Wanda up at the bleachers. This guy has got to be joking. She held up her hand but her eyes were directly on me and he didn't seem to notice that. He leans over to me and whispers, "I can't wait to have a little cheerleader on the bleachers for me."
Disgusted by his comment I take off running on the field and began practicing some drills. I hated him. This school wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have stuck up rich kids like him. I don't know why he felt the urge of needing to always compete with me. Worst of the worst, I'll be captain of the girls soccer team and he'll be captain for the boys soccer team.

Tryouts were finally over and the listings will be posted tomorrow. I gave it my all and I guess that was the only thing I had Jarvis to thank for. He made me too mad before going out on the field so I laid it all there. We all met in the parking lot after tryouts and talked about how it went.

"You are fast on the field." Steve said to Pietro. "Coach will be delusional for not putting you as our wide receiver."

Natasha was talking to Wanda and I just kept in silence while the rest of them talked. Tony and Carol were talking about how basketball went since they were inside and hoping some certain people would get on the team. I was zoning out until I hear Natasha call my name.

"Y/n?" I look at her confused and everyone was just staring at me in silence.

"I'm sorry?"

"Do you wanna go grab a bite with all of us?"

"Oh no. It's okay." Just then Carol wraps her arms around my neck practically jumping on me. "Oh come on y/n. Pretty please..." I look at her and squint my eyes until she whispers something that I could only hear, "you're new cutie is coming along. I'm sure she wouldn't mind the company." I roll my eyes at her and look over to Wanda who gives me a slight smile. Knowing she might be a little uncomfortable I give in. "Okay fine. Let me just call Hazel to let her know."

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