Chapter 41: Healing & Hope

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*Y/N's POV*

About a month has gone by since my accident. I've been going to physical therapy to get better and it helped my recovery stage way quicker. I decided today I would go and clean out my locker. All I wanted was to mainly focus on the company and give it my all. I'll finish school at home instead of having to waste more than half of my day there. I start my bike and head to the school. Instead of parking in the student parking lot, I park up front where the faculty parks squeezing my motorcycle in.

"Hey Mrs. Harkness." I greeted her.

"Y/n! How are you doing darling?"

"I've been better..."

"Well, here is your checkout list for your locker. Whenever you are done, hand it back to me and Principal Xavier would like to see you."

I press my lips together with a fake smile grabbing the slip, "thanks Mrs. Harkness." She smiles back at me before I head out. Of course this is just the way Mrs. Harkness is, but I hate hearing the pity on me. Everyone was in class right now which meant no one in the hallways.

I open my locker and begin putting my textbooks in my backpack. This was definitely going to weigh a ton. I hear footsteps walking towards me and choose to ignore. The footsteps stop a couple feet away until I look over.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked continuing to pack things.

She smiles at me and holds up her slip to wave it a bit, "bathroom break."

"How have you been Y/n?" She said walking over closer to me.

"I'm fine Wanda. How are you?" I said shutting my locker.

"Shit. Do you have a pen or pencil I could borrow for a second?"

She smiles at me and hands me one from her pocket.

"I've been better..." she responded.

"Yeah...I know what that feels like." I check off all the boxes to my locker and hand her pen back.

"Thanks." She smiles as she takes her pen back.

"So are you out of school?"

"I'm just going to finish it at home. I'm needed more at the office these days so..."

"I called and texted you..." she said as she began to fidget with her pen.

"I saw..." I swallowed hard.

"I just think we need time apart. You should just focus on school right now."

"And you?"

I shrug and sigh. "School and the company." I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder and walk out the hallway. "I gotta go. Principal Xavier is waiting for me. It was good to see you Wanda."

"You too..." I can only slightly hear her since she had whispered it. She was upset and I can tell. She did her fake upside down smile and I know it seems like I'm doing okay, but I missed her. But my heart was telling me no, because I honestly couldn't be hurt and betrayed again.

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