Chapter 22: Victory

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*Wanda's POV*

The group decides to meet at the library after school waiting for the game tonight. Y/n had went straight to the gym since she was going to do warms ups with the team. I couldn't wait to see her play tonight. I sit down at a table where Yelena and Kate follow me since we had our last period together.

"The school is gonna be packed tonight with people." Kate said as we sat down.

"This towns seems to really be into the sports." I said.

"There's nothing else around here so people take pride of their kids." Yelena commented.

"Hello my favorite ladies." Carol said as she came to sit down with us.

"Hello to you." I said as she smiled at me. We all begin working on some homework as the rest of the group joins us. Natasha was out as well since the cheer team will be performing tonight since it's the last game of the season.

"Alright, I say we go get good seats in the bleachers. Game is gonna start in about 30 minutes so." Carol said. We all begin packing our stuff and throwing our backpacks into Carol's car.

30 minutes early didn't matter. The bleachers were already fill up. Just as we were about to walk up, a flash comes in my direction.

"Ms. Maximoff! Any words for Y/n's last game tonight?"

Carol grabs onto my arm and pulls me towards her, "get a life Brock."

I look up and see Hazel waving to us. She gives me a warm hug with the best seats on the bleachers. I watch as each of them hug Hazel and realize how much each of them looked at her with so much love for Y/n.

"Oh I don't think we have officially met yet." I hear Hazel say as she reached my brother.

"It's nice to finally meet you Hazel." She embraces a no different hug from the rest of us to my brother. I look over to Steve and see him give a small little wave to Natasha on the ground. Her smile grows big but doesn't stop from their routine.

The team starts to come out for some last minute stretches.

"I'll be right back." I said to Hazel. I make my way down the bleachers to the edge hoping to catch Y/n as she comes out. Y/n was the last one out of the locker room as she stops by Nat first before heading to the field. I see them give each other a hug until Nat nods her head towards my way. Y/n looks up from Nat and I see Nat whisper something to her. She begins walking up near the bleachers while I leaned down from the fence.

I was higher off the ground and seeing Y/n look up to me was a dream. Her eyes never broke contact with mine even though people were rushing her luck tonight. And again, it felt as if it was only us out of all these people. She looked up to me with a warm smile,

"Hi my love." She said to me. I smiled so big because of her but I couldn't reach down to her with all these people coming in and out of the bleachers.

"I love you Y/n Nash. Good luck. No matter what happens you will always be my winner." I shouted to her. We see flashes in our direction but it seemed as if we didn't care anymore. Just then the video camera that's playing live on the scoreboard turns on. They were capturing the teams out on the field along with cuts from other cameras of the crowd.

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