Chapter 32: Happy Birthday

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*Y/n's POV*

I groan at the paperwork laying in front of me. How did I think I could manage school and run a company. Luckily a lot of the people who work at my family's company understands and is helping with extra tasks. I'm going through almost every account to overview numbers and having to sign since I now own the company.

Technically my contract with the agents were only until I was 18 so I'm no longer breaking any more rules if Wanda was involved or not. I know I have self doubts about protecting her but things are going to be different now. I knew I broke her heart when I ended things but I also broke mine as well. It almost didn't feel real because I knew for a fact we'd find our way to each other once again. My phone buzzes and I look down at it. It was a text to meet at Bruce's company. Agent Dewolff did say we were going to meet again once I turn 18. Wanda wasn't back yet so I text her that I'd be at Bruce's family company for a meeting and I'll be back home later. I grab the proof of the drugs that I've bought from with the names of who I got them from and how much I spent. I toss it into a small gym bag and glance at it. It's only been several weeks and it was stacked. Not only that but drugs we were given to sell as well.

I was disgusted with what I was involved with but if it meant I can figure out who did this to my family I could finally end it all and make sure Wanda was safe. I missed my old life. Even though it was a turn of events, I missed being out with Wanda and my friends. I quickly grab my bike to head out.

I walk into the same room we had met before with the same agents surrounding the room. I throw the bag on the table.

"Proof. Some of the name of dealers and the drugs that they're selling and how much they charge." The agents turn their head to look at the bag on the table.

"How you holding up Y/n?" Agent Dewolff asked. I cross my arms and shake my head,

"Like shit. I wanted to leave all this behind."

"I know we're asking a lot. We've looked more into the security firms of the night of the incident too. We were able to clear up some images at certain spots. The gentlemen has a tattoo on his forearm which we were able to get a little glimpse of some parts." Agent Knight said as she tossed a photo in front of me.

"It looks like one of those Russian dolls." She continued. I grab the photo to take a closer look. It didn't look familiar to me but also half the guys that I sold to and bought from were Russian descent.

"Any ideas who that could be?" They asked snapping me back to reality. I shake my head as there were too many people I've met the last several weeks.

"No. More than half of the people were Russian descent. But I did get information on a name from a girl I was out with." The whole crew turns towards me as I see all their gazes locked on me.

I clear my throat and adjust my posture crossing my arms around my chest, "Kingpin. He goes by the name Kingpin. Apparently he's the big guy everyone's scared of who's branched from the Vision's company. No one ever really knows where he is, but he's the big boss."

"Kingpin?" Bruce said which made me curious of how he seemed as if he knew the name.

"Yeah..." I continued looking around the room. "That's what the girl told me. Why do you know him?"

"I know of him. But I know someone who might know a little more about him." I look at him confused. Maybe this was gonna let me of the hook now.

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