Chapter 20: Talk of the Town

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*Wanda's POV*

Y/n had quickly washed her face and cleaned their hands while I got dressed. I made my way into the bathroom as she was drying her hands already. She playfully moved passed behind me as I walked up to the sink and grabbed my ass squeezing it a bit. She had her front pressed against my back and was moaning into the back of my ear.

"You looked so fucking beautiful bent over for me babe." I turn my head to the side and giggle at her.

"Hey, no time for a round two right now. We gotta go." She throws her hands up in a surrender form.

"Okay okay Maximoff." She said giggling to herself as she walked out. I dry my hands and walk out to her room.

"Here. Wear this." She handed me a hoodie.

"Why?" I looked at it confused since it really wasn't sweater weather. Y/n had thrown on a hoodie as well, "cause I said so." She smirked giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I followed her out of her bedroom and went down.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, Hazel had a glass of wine in her hand looking down to her phone.

"Thank you for my phone Hazel. The usual Thai place?"

"Yes sweetheart..." Y/n and Hazel were having a little conversation as I see Y/n reach into one of the cabinets and began putting gloves on.

"Are you taking it for a spin?" Hazel questioned sipping on her wine.

"Yeah! I still need to drive it so it doesn't die. Plus, Wands over here hasn't gotten a thrill out of it." She smirked looking at me.

"A thrill of what?" I asked.

Hazel lightly chuckled to herself and raised her eyebrows. "You two have fun, but I'm hungry. No speeding Y/n Nash." She smiled at Hazel as Hazel walked over to the living room. She nodded her head in a certain direction for me to follow. We went out the garage door and Y/n had grabbed a backpack and handed it to me.

"Since you'll be in the back you can wear this..." she walked over to the other side of the garage as I was confused but was doing exactly what Y/n said. She walked back and handed me a helmet.

"And you're gonna need this."

*Y/N's POV*

"Oh no, no no no no." Wanda said shaking her head. I couldn't help but laugh and walk over to her. I brushed her hair behind her ears to calm her down.

"Do you trust me?" I looked down at her. I finally got her to look up at me with that question.

"With my life my love." I smile at her response and hover the helmet over her head. I walk over and begin to start my motorcycle. I hopped on first guiding her where to step to get on. Once Wanda was sitting on the back and clinging on to me for dear life, I grab my helmet and strap it on tightly.

"I didn't know you had one!" Wanda said practically screaming at me. I turn my head a bit,

"Cause I knew you'd react the way you just did." I laugh but the motorcycle was so loud that she probably couldn't hear me. I glance back a bit and gave a thumbs up to see if she was ready. She nodded her head and we took off on my motorcycle. Wanda's grip around my stomach was stronger than anything throughout the entire ride.

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