Chapter 27: The Proposition

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*Wanda's POV*

I wanted to be with Y/N this week, but she wanted to be alone. It was understandable but she seems to be a bit more distant from me than she usually is. She was arranging Hazel's funeral for this upcoming weekend and I was sure the public would know about it. For her family's business, I had no idea what was going to become of it. Y/N was going to be 18 soon in a couple of weeks and the thought of it was in the back of my mind of her having to take over her family's company. I wanted to be there along with her for the ride. I knew it wasn't going to be easy and we would hit rocky points, but I know we wouldn't have that much time left until reality settled in.

We sit at the cafeteria table in silence as no one really eats their lunch. Y/n told them the news and without Y/n at the table, the group just doesn't seem complete.

"Any words on the funeral yet?" Tony asked.

"Tony..." Carol said annoyed until we hear an announcement over the intercom.

"Students and faculty, it is sad to say one of our students had lost someone over this weekend. As you all may know about the Nash's family incident causing several casualties. There will be a service this Friday at 11 AM. Please be there to support your fellow peer."

Carol rolls her eyes at the announcement until she makes a remark. "Yes, please announce to the school so people who don't really care show up to show a good face."

"Carol..." Natasha said nudging her. "Look it doesn't matter who shows up or doesn't. As long as we're all there for Y/n." She continued as she looked at all of us at the table until she stopped at my gaze. "How is she doing?"

I sigh, "she's doing...she's been short with me over text but I understand that she's busy. She wanted to be alone for a bit and wanted me to come back to school." I shrug my shoulder not feeling too confident since Y/n did seem to be distancing herself. I obviously wanted to be there with her, but I wanted to respect her wishes as she had to do all the planning for this upcoming week. I glance over to Jarvis' table. Laughing and being loud as annoying as usual. Something was unsettling about them. I know him and Y/N don't get along, but the whole school seemed to have been mourning for the incident except for them.

*Y/N's POV*

I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that was going on. Since I was turning 18 in a couple of weeks, they decided to let my family's company run with the workers until I turn 18 to take over. I was organizing Hazel's and the rest of the people who were on board too who had passed. My phone buzzes and I look down at it,

Wands <3
Hi my love. I hope you're doing okay. I miss you and please let me know if you need anything.

I sigh to myself as I look at her text message. I love the fact that she respects my wishes to be myself so I can handle things. But the thought never left me of her life being in danger around me. Would I be able to protect her even though danger is always around? I just want her to live a normal life, finish school, and then go to college for whatever she wants to. I don't want her to feel held back because of me. My phone buzzes again and I look back at it,

Meet at my family's company in 20. There is something we need to talk about with some people.

I wrap the final touches for the funeral and email it to the funeral director. I head out to the other side of town to go meet Bruce. It felt weird to me of the fact that I was in my family's office room. Not too sure if I felt as if I belonged there, but I knew it was the path my family had always had for me. I didn't mind taking over the family's company, but I guess it was kinda just always destined for me to take over it and not for me to go to school or anything. I grab my keys and put on a jacket and head over to Bruce's family company. I follow his instructions on where to go. I open the door until I'm met with a couple of gazes in my direction.

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