Chapter 31: Once Again

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*Wanda's POV*

I silently wait as my breathing became more steady. Y/n was probably gone no longer than 10 minutes until I hear the door open again. She makes her way over to the desk and throws a small bag of white powder and stares at it.

"So?" I said not looking at her. She makes her way back around and starts messing with the fire wood to get it started.

"So..." she responded poking the wood before throwing a match in. The warmth of the fire felt nice from where I was sitting. Her eyes were fixed on the flames as she slowly backed away to sit next to me on the couch. I place my arm behind hers, interlocking our hands and rest my head against her shoulder. The comfort of feeling safe with her has never left and it's all that I needed and craved for after all these last several weeks. I rest my chin on her shoulder and give her a light kiss on the cheek.

"Happy birthday my love." I whispered to her as I rested my forehead against her cheek. She brings her watch up to her face,

"Oh yeah, I guess it is pass midnight now." She leaned her head back on the couch still holding my hand. My eyes were closed as we were sitting in silent.

"Did you sleep with her?" Y/n kneels in front of me now holding both of my hands. She rarely is ever looking up at me and whenever she does, it's the sweetest pair of eyes anyone can lay on. She shook her head,

"No. I could never do that to you or someone else." She whispered as she traced shapes around my hands.

My lips begin to quiver as I looked down to her. "Why did you end things with me?" She sighs but doesn't say anything to me. She brushed one side of my hair back behind my ear,

"You have no idea, how much it hurt me to do that to you...I just need you safe okay?" I know she still wasn't telling me the whole story. If she needed me safe, why is she dealing again? What was going on with her family's company and the Vision's? I shake my head a bit annoyed,

"Why are you doing what you're doing Y/n?" I said sternly looking at her. She doesn't break eye contact with me this time, but instead she sits against the couch on the floor pulling our hands apart. All I wanted was to feel hers on mine again. I slowly make my way onto the ground next to her and rest my head on her shoulder as we watched the fire together.

"I know you Y/ can put a show on for everyone else but you don't need to do that for me. I thought we were stronger than this." I caress her cheek so she's looking at me, "physically I see my Y/n, but baby when I'm looking into your eyes, you're not the same...what is going on?" I was practically begging her at this point to tell me the truth. I feel her hand reach up to mine and she slowly takes it away from her face and places several light kisses on the back of my hand with her eyes closed. She sighs to herself,

"God I'm just so tired Wands..." she gets it out after a few seconds. I move myself up onto her lap with my arms wrapping around her lower back. My head was resting in the crook of her neck as I feel her wrap her arms around me. I didn't want to leave her because I can see how exhausted she was. This wasn't my sweet Y/n anymore. She wouldn't have stood for anything Jarvis and his group did. Y/n just seemed as if she was numb and had no more emotions to give along with the fact that now she has a company to run and finish school.

I sit myself up in front of her still facing her and brush her hair behind her ears cupping her face. I lean in slowly making sure she was okay with it and place a long kiss on her lips. I feel one of her hand go to my neck as we continue to kiss each other. I've missed this so much. These kisses were different than usual. Usually we were always hungry for each other but these ones just reassured us that there was no else for us.

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