Chapter 26: Stay

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*Wanda's POV*

My head was leaned against Y/n's as she fell asleep on my shoulder. I was trying all I could to stay strong for her when tears were wanting to stream through my eyes. My hands lightly played through her hair as I can feel all her weight from her exhausted body.

"Hey..." Natasha whispered to me walking over to us with a blanket from Carol's car. I looked up with a forced smile as she placed the blanket on top of Y/n and I. "We'll be over here waiting okay?" She whispered and all I could do was give a nod.

I look down to my girlfriend and see sweat starting to form on her forehead. Was the blanket making her too hot? I push the blanket so it was only on her lap until I start feeling her body twitch a bit. The back of my hand moved on to her forehead to feel her temperature. It was weird cause her skin was cold but sweat was forming. I begin to panic a bit and place my hand over her heart as I feel her chest move more rapid up and down. Her head falls from shoulder and she suddenly wakes in a panic mode, "shit."

My hands cup her face as I see sheer panic in her eyes as she tries to regain her breathing.

"Baby baby baby," I whisper quickly trying to keep eye contact. Her eyes were still swollen and red from earlier. Once her eyes lock on mine I feel her take deeper breaths in. I nod my head slowly and assure her that she was doing a good job. She lightly exhales as she inhales deeper.

"Did you have a bad dream my darling?" I whisper to her. I feel her rest her head down onto my hands as she places her hands over mine. She kisses my hand softly and looks around her surrounding. She leans back against the wall and sighs.

"It wasn't a bad a dream was it?" She questioned me. I shake my head and kiss her lightly on the cheek and hold her hand as I see her eyes begin to water again.

"The doctor said he'd come out here as soon as possible to keep you updated." I reassured her. She forces a smile and twiddles her thumbs.

"Um Natasha and Carol are here too." I said. She grabs my hand and pulls it onto her lap. I was staring at how perfect our hands fit into each other. I remember the first night when Y/n was looking at our hands intertwined at Tony's party. I was in the same gaze this time with a whole different meaning. I never knew how much someone could mean to me. How someone could make me feel so safe, protected, and understood. If it wasn't for Y/n, I really had no idea how I would've made it coming to the States. I was so madly in love with this girl and wanted to give her everything. Now with the accident of Hazel, I know I'm going to have to be there for her.

My gaze was broken as Y/n's phone begins to ring. She pulls out her phone from her pocket,

"Bruce?" She questioned as she stood up to take the phone call and walked outside. I make my way over to Natasha and Carol who were patiently waiting with us. I hand the blanket back to Natasha,

"Thank you." She smiled and took the blanket.

"Where did Y/n go?" Carol asked.

"She stepped out to take a phone call."

"This is going to be bad." Carol added as she crossed her legs and arms.

"Yeah not shit Sherlock." Natasha said as one of her legs began to pace up and down.

"No you guys know what I mean. Not just Hazel's situation, but the news. They're going to be bugging Y/n even more." Carol said shaking her head for the harsh reality we all knew that was going to happen. Just then Y/n walks back over to us and we all act normal.

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