Chapter 34: Family Dinner

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*Y/N's POV*

A week has passed since the incident. I wake up from my bed holding onto my side as my ribs were still healing. I groan in pain and take my medicine for it. Wanda had visited once but knew I needed space to sort this stuff out. I didn't want to hear her apology even though I had accepted it and forgave her. Part of me knew it was my own fault as well. Agent DeWolff and Agent Knight were going to let Jarvis heal a bit since he was still in the hospital until bringing him in and we were working around to leave Emma's name out of it. I explained to them it was self defense and they believed me with the bruises to my bodies and such.

I go into my bathroom to go take a shower. I undress myself as my body still aches with every movement. Turning my body to the side to look at the bruises on my rib cage, I groan and slightly touch it. Bruised ribs were no joke. Every breath I took, I can feel some sort of sharp pain. Leaning forward, I look at my neck and trace the bruises on there too. I couldn't even look at myself anymore as I felt like the old me was in that mirror. I never wanted to be that troublesome person again and here I was sucked into all of this drama once again.

I shower and decide to take Hazel's car to Wanda's so we could swap. My phone is pulled from the night stand as I text her.

Hi my love. Is it okay for
me to drop off Hazel's car later?

Hi! Yes please come over!

A small smile sneaks through my face as I can tell how excited she was. I'm not too sure how her parents reacted as to when I was giving her the car. I grab the keys and head over.

Closing the driver side door and looking over, I already see Wanda running towards me. We had talked the situation through already. She cried and thought everything was her fault but I knew part of it was my fault too. Carol had called me as well to apologize saying her fight or flight mode had kicked in when it involved me in there as well.

Wanda runs into me wrapping her arms around my neck  as I groan in pain. She backs away super quick and holds her hand up to her mouth.

"I'm so sorry babe. I was just excited to see you." She whispered checking in on me.

I chuckle to myself, "no you're okay. Don't think I'm not excited to see you." She still kept her distance but leaned in for a kiss as I kissed her back. I hold up the keys to dangle in front of her,

"Swap?" She smiled at me and gave me back the keys to my car. The front door to her house closes as I see her mom walking out towards us. Her hands were open making her way over to me.

"Y/n!" She gives me a kiss on each cheek as I greet her.

"How are you doing sweetheart? I just made dinner and Wanda said you were stopping by. Join us!"

I smile to myself as I see Wanda smiling at me. "I'd love to. Thank you!" Making our way into the house, I shut the door behind me until I'm greeted by Pietro.

"Y/n!" He kisses the side of my head. "How are you feeling?" He whispered so only Wanda and I could hear.

"I'm hanging in there Piet. Thanks for asking." I nod my head as he smiles and makes his way over to the dinner table.

"Not like we didn't know you were going to drop by to do a proper family dinner tonight." He smirked as he seated himself. Just then, Wanda's father comes out.

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