Chapter 30: Explanations

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*Y/N's POV*

I had no idea who this girl was and usually I'm pretty good at remembering faces. The drive was awkward as all I can hear were sniffles coming from her. I can tell she was scared the moment Jarvis threw her over to me. I pull up to my house and hold her arm to follow me in until she's sat on the living room couch.

"Wait here." I said as I made my way into the office room taking off my jacket. I go to the lock and punch in the code to grab a large amount of cash. I walk back out as I see her already stripped down to her underwear and bra. I look at her with my eyes wide.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I slowly approached her with the cash behind my back.

"Oh, I just thought..." she quickly grabs her clothes and hides her body before I cut her off.

"I'm not going to sleep with you. That's disgusting." I said pulling the cash out.

"Oh any of Jarvis' friends would've got on with it as soon as we walked in." Her voice was shaking as she put her top back on embarrassingly.

"He's not my friend." I said. "How much does your friend owe them?" I stood in front of her waiting for a response.

She swallowed hard as she saw the amount of cash in front of her. "3k." I begin counting the stack to make sure it was the amount.

"Y/n you don't have..." I drop the money in front of her on the coffee table and walk away into the kitchen. "Don't give it all at once. That'll seem to sketchy to them."

"You know I'd offer you a drink, but it looks like you have enough in your system already." I told her as I handed her a water bottle instead. I sit down on the other side of the couch with a drink in my hand lifting up the recliner.

I take a sip of my drink and look over to her as I knew she felt awkward. "What's your name?"

This catches her attention and she clears her throat, "Emma."

I nod my head while thinking. "Has this happened to you before?"

She looks down embarrassed and began fiddling with the paper on the water bottle.

"Umm..." I put the seat recliner down and decide to go sit next to her. I wasn't completely heartless as I can tell this girl was shaken up from the night. I sit next to her on the couch.

"Look. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm sorry I asked. I've had a bit to drink tonight." Which was true, but I was still perfectly fine and functional. She looks down at my glass on the table.

"Can I stay here for the night?" She asked me.

"Sure. But sorry to say you'll have to sleep on the couch." I leaned back where she looks at the house seeing how big it was. I chuckle, "I'm just kidding. There's plenty of rooms don't worry. I'll go to the store to get you some stuff."

"That's not necessary Y/n..." I turn back around to face her as she continued messing with her water bottle.

"No? No it's not. But I'm sure you'd like a new toothbrush to use. Do you need anything else from the store?"

I see her smile to herself, "a toothbrush would be nice."

"Cool. I'm gonna go change. Remotes on that table if you wanna watch something before I get back."

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