Chapter 13: The Truth

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*Wanda's POV*

My brother comes out from the alley way running towards us. Only I was the one who noticed he came running back to us as the rest of the group watches Y/n and this other girl's encounter. Y/n looked as if she was going to kill her. They started shouting in the parking lot. The girl was leaned up against Y/n's car smiling and giggling as Y/n looked frustrated.

"We're gonna get caught out here if they continue." Tony said to Steve. We all begin to walk towards them and they both look over. The other girl smiles at us as she sees us walk up.

"I know you won't do anything with her here." She gives me a nod as Y/n looks over to me. She looks back at Y/n with a grin.

"Don't worry, everyone's time runs out eventually with the famous Y/n Nash." She said as Y/n scoffed and began to walk away. Y/n grabs her arm again and shoves her back into her car. Instead of being hurt the girl laughs out loud at the aggression.

"So dominant outside of the bed as well." She teased out loud so we could all hear. "Is that how you treat her in bed as well?" Y/n shakes her head and backs away as a car pulls up who seems to be the other girl's ride. I can tell Y/n was holding back from hurting her. She seemed so frustrated but this was a situation I didn't want to be in the middle of.

"Some of us are just better than others..." she began teasing Y/n as if she wanted something to happen. Y/n walks back towards her crossing her arms around her chest.

"Oh we all know for a damn fact that I am better than you" Y/n challenged her. Just then someone jumps out of the car that pulls up. Of course who else could it be, Jarvis Vision.

"Oh man, now this a fight I'd pay to see." He says grinning while shutting the door. Harley reaches the group and stays hidden from everyone. Even though as much as Carol loved Y/n and hated Harley for breaking her heart, she kept Harley behind her so Jarvis wouldn't see her. I was holding my brother's hand hoping nothing would happen here at this hour. There was silence as we just glanced between everyone meanwhile Y/n and the girl didn't break eye contact until Y/n breaks the silence.

"No. She's going home and I assume that you're her ride." She grabs the girls arm again and pulls her over to Jarvis. The girl stumbles a bit as Y/n let her arm go towards Jarvis and his group. Jarvis laughs at the interaction.

"Oh come on now Y/n. Are you trying to be good in front of someone specifically?" He looked over to our group and my hand holds Pietro's even harder feeling his glance come in my direction.

"I've moved passed it Vision. Just get her home safe tonight." Y/n said walking towards us. Jarvis and his boys all laugh and the girl hops in the car with them. The group stays silent as Y/n comes over to me and locks our hands together and pulls me away from the group leading to her car. She opens the passenger door for me and I get in without question. I can hear them talking muffled since I was inside her car with the door shut.

"Party's over guys." Y/n said to them as she walked in front of her car to get in the driver seat. Everyone stood there not knowing what to do. No one knew if they should've stopped Y/n or if someone should've said something. She sits down and starts her car and looks over to me. I couldn't look at her for the moment because deep down I was freaking out. She reaches over and pulls my seatbelt over me and buckles it. Y/n takes off in her car with her friends getting into their own cars. I can tell she was upset and frustrated. She was speeding and it was kind of scaring me.

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