Chapter 2: Welcome to The Academy

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*Y/n's POV*

The bell finally rang for lunch and for some reason I was starving. I sit down with my best pals as we catch up about our summers. We're all giggling until we are interrupted by Jarvis and his groups of friends walking by.

"Y/n. That drawing for Ms. Maximoff was quite cute. But I hope you know, I will get her before you do." They walk by and I just shake my head and go back to eating my lunch. I scoff as we watch them leave to sit at their table.

"What an asshole. Always making it a competition." Carol stared too when they walked by.

"So you've already met the new girl huh?" Natasha teased me.

"I heard she was hot." Steve laughed and Natasha elbowed him. "Ow. Not as hot as you sweetheart."

I laugh at them. "She's cute. But not one to just sleep around with. I wouldn't do that to her."

Carol gasps, "oh my god. Is Y/n a softie for this one?"

I sarcastically smile at her. "Ha ha. Very funny. But no nothings going to happen between us." Just then we're interrupted by Tony who brought the other transfer student to sit with us.

"Fellas and Pietro. Him and his sister are from Sokovia. I'm trying to get him to join the basketball team." Everyone greets him and he is definitely more social than his sister is.

"Did you play any sports before?" I asked him.

"No. I didn't for a school team. I did really enjoy soccer though."

"Ugh no. Jarvis Vision is going to be the head of the soccer team this year. Tony's head of the basketball team and Steve is the head for football. You're better off with one of those." Carol responded to him.

"What's wrong with Jarvis?" He asked confused.

"Believe me dude. You don't want to be mixed with him and his group." Tony stated. "His families got money, treats everyone else like they're peasants, mommy and daddy buys him whatever he wants."

"You know we could always use a new wide receiver if you're fast. It's up to you with whatever you decide. You know y/n is going to be captain for the girls soccer team this year."

I smile and look over to Pietro. "Tryouts are all out today for sports if you wanna join a team. You can choose whichever sport you want to go out for."

"Thanks y/n." He says as he starts eating his lunch.

"Where's your twinsie?" Tony asked biting into his food.

"She's on her way. Mind if she sits with us?"

Everyone caught on to Carol's comment about Wanda making me a softie so they all excitedly all blurted all at once that it was no problem and to have her come sit with us while I just sat in silence and gave them all the death glare. Just then I see Wanda enter the cafeteria headed straight over to Pietro.

"Sorry I was routing my next classes so I wouldn't get lost." Pietro grabs the map from her hands.

"This isn't fair. Who gave you a map like this? I was already lost going to my second period."

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